
Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

I’ve been working on a movie script for an action adventure film. I made sure to be Woke and Diverse to avoid rejection for those reasons.


The top 100 richest people on the planet are mostly old straight White men who hate women, minorities, LGBTQ+ and want them to die, with a couple of Asian and Middle Easterners for diversity but no Blacks because Slavery). They meet at a mountain resort in Idaho hosted by an oil tycoon and guarded by the militia. He tells the group that evolution sorts winners from losers and they are the winners who deserve to rule the planet. He proposes to divide the Earth into kingdoms responsible for local administrative affairs operating under a global empire to resolve differences and fairly allocate resources.

Someone points out the public won’t stand for it. No, but they won’t have a choice. The 100 Kingdoms won’t need as many servants as we have population so we’ll reduce the population to a manageable and sustainable level. It’ll be easy since we control the media and the military. Scare the public into giving up their rights by releasing a virus. Imprison dissenters (those who aren’t killed resisting arrest). Shut off natural gas to freeze them; ban them from media so they can’t communicate; shut off gasoline so they can’t travel; shut off diesel so they can’t get food farm to market; defund the police and stage a few false-flag incidents; let anger, panic, starvation and disease do the rest.

What if the people revolt? Order your troops to fire on them. Won’t the generals oppose us? Replace them with boot-lickers (promise to make a general into a Baron under your Kingship and he’ll willingly kill his entire family to serve you). Replace warriors with woke and trans time-servers so they’re no threat to our private security, which will be made up of former warriors serving to protect their families from the mobs we created.

How will we pay for it all? Just print money, flood the economy, inflation will impoverish citizens which will make them frightened and easier to manipulate.

How do you know this will work? We’ve been running beta tests for a couple of years, now. Covid lockdowns. Stimulus checks. Defunding the police. Crushing Canadian truckers and Danish farmers. Sri Lanka. We should be able to destroy the present world order and replace it with The 100 Kingdoms in about five years. Who’s on board?

Somehow, The Good Guys find out about the plan and Our Hero is assigned to stop them. I won’t tell you the rest because I don’t want to spoil the surprise.


I shopped the script around to several movie studios but they keep telling me there’s no market for documentaries.

Maybe if I change the setting, make it Sci Fi taking place on a planet far, far away and a long time ago, with space ships and laser beams?

Joe Doakes

It’s just crazy enough to work.

8 thoughts on “Script

  1. Do you think the State should force a 10-year-old rape victim to carry a baby to term?

  2. Weave in a couple side stories, say a thread about a tranny trying to get his tuck and roll done while simultaneously fighting on the front lines, some BLM’s fighting for Wakanda and a little homo sheeiiiit too.

    You’ll be flooded with offers.

  3. “Do you think the feds should assist a 25 – 35 year old, uneducated and unskilled Mexican men across the border illegally so they can rape 10-year-old Mexican girls smuggled across the border by the cartels?”

    tia rAT!

  4. JD, you may want to include more on the virus, specifically the jab thing – better living through chemistry meets unintended (?) consequences. I just read about glyphosate – fascinating. mRNA tech is gazillion times worse.

  5. Heading out to a funeral. Elderly man, family friend, died after battling cancer for a year. Despite all the craziness nowadays, some people still die of ordinary stuff.

    Enjoy your weekend. Give hugs to those who don’t deserve them. We’ll get through.

  6. JD, any idea on how you could include the owners of 300M guns and several trillion rounds of ammo into the script?

  7. The US is not setup to be a tyranny. Compared to moat other countries the federal government would have a hard time subjugating its own population. You would have to supersede the constitution. It doesn’t matter whether or not “most people would be okay with that,” what matters is whether most people in disputed areas would be okay with that. We have an army that is designed to support allies abroad. That is very different from an army that is designed to keep a local population subjugated. In the US you can’t just declare martial law and start throwing people in prison or shooting them without causing more problems than you have solved.

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