Oh, By The Way

First things first: my thoughts and prayers to Armani Hyde, a 14 year old Saint Paul boy shot in the head last week. As this is written he is in critical but stable condition.

Now, The Nine ran this story over this past weekend. The whole story is worth a watch…

…but I particularly draw your attention to 1:45 – Mr. Nasiy Narir X of the Lion of Judah Armed Forces.

The LOJAF is noted as an offshoot of the Black Hebrew movement; it’s nothing if not militant; their firearms are a casual part of their presentation; check out their videos. A casual look at at least the material on the Facebook page shows they are especially interested in stopping the black community from killing itself. But they also have a radical streak that they feel plenty emboldened to flaunt.

That’s all well and good – I care no more about law-abiding black citizens exercising their right to keep and bear arms, or dress up as an army, than I do anyone else’s.

But I have three questions:

  1. If a group of white guys were to dress up in army uniforms and walk around with guns, Twin Cities progressives would be projectile-crapping; the media would treat it as a sign of the impending collapse.
  2. Speaking of which – all of the above, times twenty, for “Moms Want Action” and “Protect” MN. What gives, ladies? If an “Oath Keeper” group were to parade in front of a courthouse and promise “Revenge” for Derek Chauvin while open-carrying, would you be this sanguine?
  3. I was reliably informed that if black guys were to be seen walking around open-carrying, the cops would exterminate them on sight. This doesn’t seem to have happened. Note to my culitural betters: please advise. TYVM.

Me? Every law abiding citizen who follows the rules has the same rights as every one else – Second, First and all the other Amendments.

Fearless prediction: the DFL will come out with legislation to go after “paramilitary groups”. Who are all “white supremacist”, natch.

8 thoughts on “Oh, By The Way

  1. “If a group of white guys were to dress up in army uniforms and walk around with guns, Twin Cities progressives would be projectile-crapping; the media would treat it as a sign of the impending collapse.”

    There you go again, inventing boogeymen since one isn’t there for you.

    “I was reliably informed that if black guys were to be seen walking around open-carrying, the cops would exterminate them on sight. This doesn’t seem to have happened. Note to my culitural betters: please advise. TYVM”

    By whom? I don’t mean the name, what person said the “police would exterminate them” who is “reliable.” The sentence is oxymoronic on it’s face. No one who would say that is reliable, prima facia, it didn’t happen and hasn’t happened. NFA has been around a while now, and they’re not getting shot. I think the point you are willfully conflating is that armed (an unarmed) blacks are routinely shot by police at a rate far higher than whites, even account for higher levels of crime rates (relatively) between the two ethnicities. But hey, you know, never waste an opportunity to fling BS and insult people with made-up “reliable” stories. Seriously, even if you heard this from someone reliable, which to me would mean someone in law enforcement who said this is what they intend to do, because anything else is just carping, kind like what you’re doing here, anyway, even IF you heard it from law enforcement, the evidence is clear it doesn’t happen and that person shouldn’t be in law enforcement. So, what I think instead you meant was “you heard it from someone someplace who you think is liberal” therefore that’s a “reliable opinion from a liberal.” So, go ahead, tell me that someone whose opinion on the point should be considered to be reliable about what the police will do said it, because failing that, your language is just your usual sophistry.

  2. A said x.
    No one who would say x is reliable.
    A is not reliable.

    Is that supposed to prove something about x? I don’t think it does. I think it’s a variation on the No True Scotsman logical fallacy. But thanks for your assistance with this demonstration, P. You can return to your seat now.

  3. There is intense racial paranoia among some blacks. I went to West High School in Minneapolis in the 1970s, I saw it first hand. Those black guys believed some crazy sh*t.
    This link takes you to last week’s Glenn Loury podcast: https://ricochet.com/podcast/the-glenn-show/glenn-and-john-live-at-the-comedy-cellar-glenn-loury-john-mcwhorter-sherrod-small-jon-laster-nimesh-patel/
    Loury is a libertarian conservative, an academic economist by profession. He was in the MAGA camp until January 6.. Laury’s usual co host is John McWhorter, an academic linguist, whom I would characterize as a centrist or even conservative democrat.
    In this episode they are doing a bit before a live audience, and their guests are comics Jon Laster, Sherrod Small, and Nimesh Patel (Laury, McWhorter, Laster and Sherrod are American blacks, Patel is an Indian-American).
    At about the 40 minute mark Jon Laster is introduced and at 43:00 Laster goes off a paranoid rant about white people, whom, to Laster, are indistinguishable from the klansmen who burned Tulsa a century ago.
    Just after the 44 minute mark, speaking of Trump and his supporters on Jan. 6, Laster says ” . . . nobody believes that if me and Sherrod, and Nimesh rushed the capital, that we would be sitting here today.”
    Some blacks were in the crowd that rushed the capitol. I’ve looked, but I can’t tell if any blacks are among the 876 people facing charges over the incident.
    But what we know with absolute certainty is that the only person killed at the capitol that day was an unarmed white woman, shot to death by a black security officer.
    What can you do with people like Jon Laster, who seem to live on a different planet than the rest of us? You can’t talk to them. All you can do is stay the Hell away from them & hope they never get into leadership in any organization.

  4. You are spot on with your assessment of the frauds at Moms Demand Action, Everytown and Protect Minnesota. Of course, those liars know that they shouldn’t mess with black people, unless it’s convincing a black woman to have an abortion. I’m also wondering where that idiot that blames guns for his sister’s death, while lying about being a firearms trainer is during these incidents?

  5. Lol…look at lil Peevee go. Blacksplainin from the cul-de-sac he shares with Nobel laureates, world renown scientists and international bankers.

  6. Paddyboy writes as if the country doesn’t have 30 years of examples of cases where the media did, indeed, have a hissy fit over informal militias among whites. Come on, Paddy, let’s try, say, actually reading the papers and paying attention, OK?

  7. Gibberish from PB, as usual. Can’t understand a word of it.

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