5 thoughts on “Unintended Consequences

  1. Speaking of roofing and shingles as mentioned in the link, a guy’s gotta wonder when or if (home) insurance companies start to react. I mean, raising rates, yes, but there’s a special facet of home/building insurance in MN.

    If you sustain damage, siding and/or roof, and the repair company can’t find an exact match to the present siding or shingles, *by law in MN* all the siding and/or shingles must be replaced. Gotta think an insurance company will stutter-step a bit about continuing to insure in MN given the Biden-added tax on shingles.

  2. Filled all our vehicles with some of my stored $2.15/gal fuel yesterday.

    It literally hurt, but it’s over a year old and Sea Foam won’t keep it stable much longer.

    Jacking cars leaving gas stations with full tanks will be a thing breddy soon. You heard it here first.

  3. Nope, not first. Jacking gas is already happening. But no more drilling! Jughead is on the case though to lower yer gasoline cost:

    Biden asks seven oil companies for ‘any concrete ideas’ to turn around the $1.70 rise in gas prices since the start of the year and threatens ’emergency powers’ if they don’t increase their supply while they’ve ‘tripled’ profits.

    And if you think Jughead and elites will allow drilling, think again backaroo, for the religious cult of Climate Change is alive and well:

    Is your area at risk from rising sea levels? Nearly 200,000 coastal homes and businesses in England could be Underwater by the 2050s, study warns

  4. Full Little Castro!

    President Joe Biden announced Wednesday he would consider using his emergency war powers to increase gas production in a letter to oil companies.

    Biden warns oil companies in his letter that “at a time of war, refinery profit margins well above normal being passed directly onto American families are not acceptable.”

    “My Administration is prepared to use all reasonable and appropriate Federal Government tools and emergency authorities to increase refinery capacity and output in the near term, and to ensure that every region of this country is appropriately supplied,” Biden continues.

    The president’s letter blamed Russian President Vladimir Putin and “Putin’s price hike” for record-high gas prices in the United States, ignoring the fact that gas prices have doubled since he became president.

    “Your companies need to work with my Administration to bring forward concrete, near-term solutions that address the crisis and respect the critical equities of energy workers and fence-line communities,” he said.

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