9 thoughts on “Journalism

  1. What makes this piece great is the guy actually went to the scene, observed what was happening, and compared it to the ‘official story’ in order to draw the conclusions in his piece.

    Compare to ‘real journalists’ who never leave New York City or Washington D.C., who are spoon-fed press releases from officials seeking favorable press, who draw conclusions based on what outcome would be desireable instead of what outcome is actually happening.

    This is how investigative journalism should be done. Go to the city council meeting and listen. Go to the high school football game and watch. Go to the police station and ask to ride along. Then go back to the office and write up who, what, when and where. When you have that correct, you can speculate about the why, not before.

  2. Always surprised me why people are shocked that opinion pieces are, in fact, somebody’s opinion! I read the WSJ because the quality of journalism is high outside the opinion pieces (though I enjoy them). I do not read The Economist because it, in my view, lacks balance and on many occasions I’ve found errors in its reporting. I grow frustrated at the Washington Post because it believes quoting random people on Twitter counts as ‘reporting’; it has grown lazy.

    My point is I believe people will pay for what they perceive as quality journalism even if it doesn’t confirm their viewpoint. We all like to be right but I can accept being wrong if presented with well-researched work.

  3. Mitch. I agree 100% with what you wrote, but the linked article made me want to weep. The guy is not a serious writer even though the piece is not satire. He actually cares whether the pizza tracker reflects reality or not. I looked at a bunch of his other posts. I’d rather view a dozen dumpster fires than read any more of his tripe. Yes, if he transferred his energy and concern to report real issues, great. But he’s a perennial 13 year old.

  4. Did the dude post or even read the EULA for the Dominoes app?
    That might actually explain what the app is legally obligated to do.
    If you go to the end of the article and read the author’s bio, you will find that he does not think of himself as a serious journalist, he writes things like “stand up comic” riffs.

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