35 thoughts on ““Nooooobody’s Coming For Your Guns…”

  1. I think that’s what the ChiCom puppets running Australia and New Zealand told their citizens.

  2. ,. . . and Canada has the world’s longest unguarded border with the world’s leading exporter of firearms.
    Do these elites go to a special school to learn how to be stupid?

  3. Do these elites go to a special school to learn how to be stupid?

    Yes, they do.

    But then that does not begin to explain Trudeau’s stupidity.

  4. Technically, the goof is correct – and I suspect they formulated the law this way intentionally.

    The law prevents the buying, selling, and transfer of handguns, so yes, if you have a handgun you can keep it, but then you die and then what? I expect an awful lot of tragic canoe accidents with entire gun collections in the future (read the black market for handguns in Canada to explode).

    The law also limits the size of long gun magazines to 5 rounds. This part seems more problematic. I don’t know if there’s a national long gun magazine registry so all magazines can be collected and modified.

  5. We are not Punishing legal handgun owners, we are Protecting them. We are Saving their lives and their children’s lives, from handgun violence.

    I can almost hear him saying it. I bet he actually believes it, too. Damned touchy things, handguns, go off at any moment all by themselves.

  6. Requirements to obtain a Canadian firearms license (Possession and Acquisition License, or PAL) include names and contact information for your current and former “conjugal partners” (last 2 years). They need to sign off on your application. “If the signature of your former spouse, common-law or other conjugal partner is not provided, the Chief Firearms Officer has a duty to notify them of your application.”

    You also have to have two references who have known you for at least 3 years sign off, stating, “I know of no reason why, in the interest of safety of the applicant or any other person, the applicant should not be given a licence to possess and acquire firearms.”

    And a passport-style photo, which your guarantor confirms is a picture of you.

    And an RCMP background check.

    Oh, and you need to take (and pass!) a full-day training course.


  7. Now do the requirements for voting.

    And then for abortion.

    Inquiring minds want to know.

  8. This is what Canadians want. I couldn’t care less if they disarm themselves, but I see trouble. Canadians hate guns, but they love sodomy and grooming children. How will they protect their values from rampaging White Supremacists in diesel trucks?

  9. The deepening “Europeanization” of Canada is proof of the superiority of the American form of government.
    I think that this is a problem common to the parliamentary systems that Britain has spawned around the world. The MP’s become the representatives of the bourgeois ruling class. Their parliaments become de facto bureaucracies, government is not a product of the Will of the People, but a product of the kind of people who become middle managers for a company whose goal is not to go out of business this year.

  10. Wow, the Canadians did a great job of implementing the 1922-1938 German Firearms Act, didn’t they?

    Part of the genius of having an actual republic is that there is a set of “fail safe” measures by which the citizens/electors can take back power from a rogue government, including, yes, the right to keep and bear arms. That seems to be rapidly being destroyed by our neighbors to the north. There are times when it doesn’t work out too badly, and–Ottoman Empire vs. the Armenians, Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin, Communist China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Uganda, Cuba—where it’s just horrendous.

  11. Growing up in the rural prairie in Canada everyone I knew had hunting rifles and a shotgun. No one owned a handgun. Guns were akin to tools. I quite honestly do not remember anyone who was murdered with a gun. To use a gun to kill another person would be “bad form”.
    Gun deaths in Canada now happen with guns smuggled in from the USA and are largely a part of gang related violence.

    People in Canada are not scrambling to obtain hand guns or assault rifles. There are millions of firearms in Canada.

    The relationship with guns is different in the US.

  12. You know who will save the Canadians if their government starts shipping their “undesirables” to death camps?
    The Americans.
    You know who will save the Americans if our government starts shipping their “undesirables” to death camp?
    No one. That’s why we have a unique relationship to firearms.

  13. This has been mentioned a few times on SiTD, but it is worth repeating. Every other country will think 3 times before invading the U.S. Allegedly, when planning their war against us, more ambitious Japanese warmongers wanted to plan an invasion at around the same time of the Pearl Harbor attack. Admiral Yamamoto allegedly ridiculed the idea by responding that “there would be an American with a gun behind every blade of grass.” And that was in 1941, when there were far fewer guns in the hands of citizens. Further, war analysts have maintained that the Wehrmacht would have had their progress hampered by civilian resistance, had their guns not been confiscated by Stalin and crew. Many citizens hid their guns then, too and there are stories of “Minuteman like” attacks on German troops.

  14. And yet, Emery, you live here. The road that brought you to the U.S., will bring you back to Canuckia.

  15. Even before this new legislation you were six to eight times less likely to be killed by a gun in Canada than in the United States.

    And because Canada has a parliamentary system where the majority actually rules, this bill will become law in months. And that’s how Canada does it. They look at us here down south, see a cautionary tale, and then say to themselves: “Whatever we do, we aren’t doing that.”

  16. “where the majority actually rules”

    And you think that’s an untrammeled good?

  17. “Canada has a parliamentary system where the majority actually rules”

    Majority rule is the reason for the Constitution. If you don’t understand why that’s not only true but essential, you are not a Citizen, you are a Subject, soon to be a Serf.

  18. I absolutely hate calling him beto because he is whiter than I am ( I am Scotch-Irish and Scandinavian) but it’s easier than the whole Francis blah blah, but he has flopped back to “yes, we are taking your guns.” What a maroon.

    Governor hair gel in Cali (where I live) is talking about a mandatory buy back. They look at the lockdowns and the fascism they got away with, and what happened to the truckers in Canuckia, and think “yeah, we can do this now, we can rule, not govern, no limits.”

  19. If you took 2 or 4 blue hell hole cities out of the stats, we would look like the safest place in the world.

  20. In the USA, black non-Hispanic males are ten times more likely than white non-Hispanic males to die of firearm-related homicide, according to CDC stats. Way more often than not, the assailant is of the same race. Homicides committed by police against blacks are incredibly rare, yet they garner all of the publicity. Blacks are historically over-represented in the department of murder, but a person could be cancelled for pointing this out in white liberal institutions. Doesn’t fit the narrative.

  21. Troll, I believe the MAJORITY of the people of Canada supported the truckers. The truckers were then treated by the “”majority rule”” gummint like child rapists.

    You infant, the majority doesn’t rule in Canuckia, the elites do. Moron.

  22. ^ Fascinating. A government actually enacting meaningful legislation to address a worsening situation.

  23. . . . and there will be no unforeseen ill effects, because the best people — top men — have been thinking really, really hard about doing this for several days now

  24. Again the troll goes squirrel. Tell me about majority rule in Canuckistan dude.

    And ah yes, more control laws. Because the old ones have worked so well.

  25. @ MBerg — Trudeau has a minority government. They are going to pass this with the NDP support. That’s their third party.

  26. kinlaw,
    I hear Governor Schmuck is also planning to restrict water usage. I’m sure that won’t apply to his water sucking vineyard.

  27. Black shooter in Tulsa kills black doctor, media ignoring.

    Troll trying to be cute about death, board ignoring.

    Boss, yes, governor hair gel is restricting water. Haven’t upgraded water infrastructure (dams, reservoirs) in over 50 years. And we divert water to save some fish.

    PS your bu**sh*t doesn’t fly here, an assault rifle or an assault style rifle is fully automatic and not available to the public. Go back to Vox or Vice or Politico or wherever else you get your chanting points.

  28. If the Tulsa shooter had not been able to buy an assault rifle, Canadians believe that instead of murdering 4 people, he would have volunteered at a local thrift shop or homeless shelter.
    This is where the madness of blaming weapons, rather than people, akes you. It is not normal to think “I am upset and angry, therefore I am going to kill a bunch of strangers.” People who do think such thoughts and act on them are mentally ill.

  29. MP, but it is still gun’s fault! If there were no guns, this individual would have volunteered in… oh wait, never mind…

  30. So the idea that the all the kids in Ugalve and all the people in Tulsa would still be alive if there were no semi automatic rifles is questionable, to say the least. In many states it is more difficult to buy, on the spot, a handgun rather than a semi automatic rifle. I am not an expert on firearms, but I suspect that semi automatic rifles are more effective against cops than, say, a 9mm semi-auto pistol.
    Remember that we are dealing with insane people. Sane people do not think “I am really, really mad! Therefore I will buy a gun and a lot of ammunition, and I will use that gun and ammo to kill random people until the police kill me.” That is not a rational thought process. The fixation is on suicide, which will last forever, while the pleasurable exercise of your anger will last a a few minutes.
    I am still waiting for a definitive time line of the Ugalve shooting incident. How long did the 18 year old shooter sit in the class room surrounded by the bodies, guts, and blood of the twenty or so innocent children that he had murdered? What was he thinking while he waited for the end? That this was a really swell idea?

  31. “This was a really swell idea”

    Maybe not, MP. Perhaps some of the other readers can enlighten me, but I’ve heard people often lose bowel and bladder control at death. One writer quipped, “The smell of death is the smell of shit.”

    Imagine the smell of a classroom of dead kids – blood, urine, feces, and burnt gunpowder – as you wait for the cops to storm in and shoot you to death.

    Dante could have used it to add another ring to the Seventh Circle for Mass Murderers.

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