Sick And Broken

The fact that the news media is, today, writing stories lauding the administration for its panicky handling of the baby formula crisis that it created, tells us a little about the sick state of both our executive branch, our bureaucracy and our news media.

President Joe Biden authorized the use of Air Force planes for the effort, dubbed “Operation Fly Formula,” because no commercial flights were available

Well, that’s mighty big of him, given that it was an executive branch bureaucracy – the Food and Drug Administration – whose inexplicable, and as yet unexplained, closing of a formula plant in Michigan, not to mention Byzantine importation restrictions on formula from Third World hellholes like Switzerland in Germany, caused the crisis in the first place.

I’ve never been the worlds biggest Donald Trump fan – but if this had happened on his watch, a series of peevish and borderline inscrutable tweets would have been followed by executive orders expediting the reopening of the plant and trashing the import restrictions that prevented the free market from doing what it does best Dash getting resources where they are needed, when they are needed.

The fact that our news media is allowing government to treat itself like heroes for “solving” a problem it created (at absolutely sinful and bizarre expense – have you seen how much military aircraft flights cost these days?) is a little bit like giving a medal of valor to an arsonist for putting out a fire they set.

11 thoughts on “Sick And Broken

  1. So, there were 78000 pounds of baby formula in the first flight and I expect many more flights arriving from Europe with many more pounds.

    But this is the easy part. Curious how it’s being paid for.

    It still has to be distributed to all the people that need it. Or do they drive to the airport? Is there only one airport that will be receiving these shipments. Are they free? Are they just handed out anyone who shows up? Is there a government bureaucracy set up to deal with formula welfare? What if the formula doesn’t match baby needs (eg, allergies)? Or will the shipments be donated to the two or three companies that (are allowed to) make formula so as to be distributed by them? Even if they might be a competing brand? Can the these vendor charge for these donated products? At least for distribution?

    My goodness, this problem and its so-called solution is so dumb that even a Trump skeptic can see it. And that’s saying something.

  2. I fully expect the first planeload of formula to be seized by the local warlord and used as a political lever to reward his allies and further deprive his enemies.

    Isn’t that what usually happens to European aid shipments sent to incompetent regimes?

  3. I saw a baby yesterday and it wasn’t starving, so this whole “baby formula shortage” story is clearly disinformation coming from the ultra-MAGA crowd.

  4. For reference, back when I was coordinating shipments from Europe to the U.S., air freight (what we wanted to avoid) was about $5/kg. Sea freight about $1/kg. I’m guessing it’s twice that amount now, so it’s pretty much a million dollar flight there.

    I can blame Biden to a degree here, but if indeed the FDA had regulations that wouldn’t allow formula from Germany and Switzerland to come here, that would implicate primarily the FDA for coming up with arcane regulations–or perhaps the Germans and Swiss for not policing their infants’ food supply. Then secondarily, yes, Biden would be implicated–and third, Trump and Obama.

    What a mess. We also need to blame all the politicians and activist groups who’ve juiced the demand for formula by paying for daycare for the middle and upper classes. More women working, fewer women able to breastfeed, more demand for formula.

  5. The fact that our news media is allowing government to treat itself like heroes for “solving” a problem it created

    New modus operandi. Sheople eat this shit up, no?

  6. Pallets of food airlifted in from from benevolent countries to prevent starvation in a stricken and fallen country …

    Yup, we’re a third world shit hole.

  7. Yup, but all of those invaders at the southern border, are getting free formula for their babies. Can’t let a future DemoCommie voter die as an infant, now can they?

  8. Look to the meta information. What inevitable shortages of essential goods are clearly coming but will blind side the federal government?
    It’s every man for himself.

  9. MP – we’re picking up our share of a cow next week, and we’ve got a dual-fuel generator on order. We’ve been buying extra groceries of the non-perishable variety for weeks now.

  10. MP;
    Yup! First, the plandemic. Next, alleged bird flu, causing the destruction of millions of chickens and turkeys. After that, alleged fertilizer shortage that will affect crop yields, because, Putin. Then, baby formula. An alleged contamination problem, at the largest formula producer in the country. Inspected by the corrupt FDA, who found nothing, yet, they wouldn’t approve production to resume, blame it on Abbott Labs. Abbott cries BS!, now FDA gives approval to do so. At the beginning of this failure of Pedo Joe’s handlers, it’s touted by the propaganda machine that Bill Gates and Mark Suckerberg, are developing artificial breast milk. On Saturday, throw out your peanut butter! It might be contaminated. Funny, huh? Another protein source cut off. The WEF elites and their New World Order plans, are proceeding, thanks to the DemoCommies and their media allies.

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