9 thoughts on “Lest It Be Forgotten

  1. Forest fires in Cali? Bad forest management, money into green BS instead of power grid infrastructure. Dhimmi excuse? GloBULL warming.

    Water shortages? Saving some stupid fish and thereby starving the San Joaquin valley of water. Not building more dams/reservoirs. Dhimmi excuse? GloBULL warming.

    Expensive gas? Cali has a “special mix” for the summer. Dhimmi answer? Putins war, plus gotta save mother gaia.

    Dhimmis do one thing well (two now that they have voter fraud down to a science): demonize the center and right.

  2. Fascinating article to use as an example of this article’s theme. For example, from the article, The situation has […] raised questions about whether the federal government should do more to ensure critical, life-sustaining supply chains don’t break down.

    Seeing as how the federal government (the FDA) shut down the plant, is keeping it closed, has no idea why, when or how it will re-open, that seems kinda back-assed to me.

  3. I can’t speak to the specialty formulas–the example given in the article is about one where proteins are broken down to base amino acids that won’t cause allergic reactions–but it’s worth noting that for most formulas, the ingredients are milk (whey specifically I believe) or soy, and the U.S. is, I believe, the world’s largest producer of both.

    What’s going on here is that there are a very limited number of companies in the market, and hence when one factory goes down, it hits hard. FDA regulation probably makes it more difficult for new entrants to start production, so yes, government is part of the problem.

    What also appears to be going on is (if the report is at all correct) that Abbott Nutrition has a cluster-**** going on in Sturgis, MI, where management more or less shut down the in-house quality and safety department when they got complaints. FDA audits are a pain in the ***, and hence the fact that somebody became a whistleblower means he felt that he wasn’t being heard, and he had no alternative but to send a note with the evidence he had.

    So the reason the plant is still shut down is because the FDA (and maybe FBI) is swarming around every bit of the company’s plant and records, and it’s extremely likely that massive fines are going to be levied, and it’s not out of the question that some people are going to jail for this. It just takes time to make that case.

  4. Oh, I don’t know about that Mitch. Seems to me the reprobates have moved their agenda forward with excellent efficiency.

    America is, literally, a shell of what it was just 30 years ago, and teetering at the edge of the shitter. They’ve taken the fight clean out of the right, and dgaf what anyone says anymore.

    Meanwhile, the GOP has moved their agenda forward pretty well, too. Israel is a world power, and in firm control of Congress and many states. They’re all fat and happy in comfortable gerrymandered districts and Trump is no longer a threat to the system.

    Government works!

  5. You know what there is no shortage of? Yep, you guessed it – government. So if EVERYTHING is run and owned by the government, there is no problem, right? Iron logic. It has been tried elsewhere, no? Seems like a solution to me. Intended consequences? You bet.

  6. Similarly, MN’s government “eviction moratorium” interfered with a natural market process that would have sorted itself out (albeit with a certain amount of pain). Now that the moratorium has ended we hear there’s a “crisis” with all the people who have been skipping out on paying their rent for two years suddenly finding themselves evicted, and the government has to “do something”.

  7. Sometimes the answer is right in front of you.
    It’s a supply and demand issue. The Biden administration has decided the problem isn’t too little formula, it is too many babies.

  8. The Biden administration has decided the problem isn’t too little formula, it is too many White babies.

    FTFY, MP

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