Just Another Day On The Vomit Comet

Hand one to Fred Melo of the Pioneer Press – he’s done the unthnkable, for a Twin Cities mainstream media figure; actually reporting on the actual state of life on the “Vomit Comet” (AKA Green Line)..

A friend of the blog emailed re this story:

I’d rather double down on reminding people why the Green Line is so awful than be snarky. But, with all the urbanists subtweeting Fred Melo’s post about smoking/drinking on light rail, them tweeting that smoking is no big deal, not a safety issue, I kind of want to ask if smokers will be welcome again at bars/restaurants again. 

It’s a mostly smokeless smoke.

14 thoughts on “Just Another Day On The Vomit Comet

  1. Here’s a gem from the comments:

    Kirk Klocke
    Replying to
    @quick13 @FrederickMelo
    and 2 others

    “What really sets off my BS radar is— all of the stations in “white” parts of town – the airport, VA Medical Center, etc are kept spotless. Stations in poor neighborhoods are allowed to waste away and become disgusting makeshift shelters- blatant institutional racism carved in #mn“

    Dayum racist wipipul…keepin’ they stations clean an’ sheeit.

  2. Blade, that comment is right out of Ibrihim X. Kendi’s anti-racist philosophy. White people = cleanliness and order, black people = filth and disorder.

  3. Right. And the hilarious aspect is, these 80IQ numpties are *completely* oblivious to the sweet racisms they are sharing…they spend their every waking hour grooving on their virtues.

  4. I did a rabbit hole dive into those comments, and it led to another OUTRAGE.

    Evidently, Pizza Luce has redlined negro neighborhoods. The Twitr virtue squad identified the areas by ordering delivery and noting addresses Luce said were “out of the delivery areas”. You can guess the shape of the outline.

    The mirth ensued when several leftist thots privilege checked the pizza place by warning them no one will be buying their expensive *vegan* pies until they serve the ‘hood.

    I’m dying over here

  5. ^ I hadn’t realized until recently how much you have in common with Justice Clarence Thomas’ wife. Ginni Thomas seems not that bright — I
    hadn’t known that. But it is telling how deeply this QAnon lunacy has spread within relatively respectable parts of the movement and the Republican party.

    This is a threadjack. Knock it off. — D

  6. ^^More unhinged blather from the troll.
    Have you noticed that the troll is obsessed with this “Qanon” person? No one ever mentions it other than Emery.
    I suspect that when Democrats get together, they talk about Qanon and Donald Trump, while conservatives talk about inflation, if the war in Ukraine will spread or intensify, the mess on the southern border, the spotty shortages on store shelves, etc. You know, the things that most American voters are actually concerned about.
    Maybe that is why even the Democrats acknowledge that after two years of rule by a Democrat president, House and Senate, voters are going to vote them out this fall.

  7. Unethical: Participating in the decision on a case that would lead to the disclosure of your spouse’s inflammatory and incriminating texts.

    Unethical and foolish: Not just participating but dissenting 8-1

    Clarence Thomas was the only vote to block the Jan 6 committee from getting Trump’s papers. Mark Meadows filed a supporting brief. And Ginni’s texts to Meadows were at stake.

    This is a continuation of a threadjack. This needs to stop. — D

  8. I am serious when I say that Emery is deranged. I mean serious mental problems.

  9. To get a little more on-topic:
    Delving into the kendi-style anti-racist explanation and the more conventionally racist explanations for what I will refer to as “black social pathologies” leads you to some crazy places, and eventually to the same place. Blacks, unlike whites, are not responsible for their behavior because they are black.
    Blacks who consider themselves to be model citizens, who treasure what we might call bourgeois values are not acting out their racial identity properly, they are in some sense broken.
    It really doesn’t help when “anti-racists” define things that nearly everyone of all races recognize as virtues — punctuality, hard work, self-reliance, the importance of family — are “white” traits, not Black traits.

  10. A quick survey of the conditions in cities, counties and countries populated by blacks leads to some deeply racist conclusions.

    Those conclusions become even more cemented when one considers the conditions in cities, counties and countries populated by Whites, shortly after the arrival of large numbers of blacks.

    These kinds of investigations, however cursory, must be avoided at all costs.

  11. One of the things that comes to mind for me here is the disconnect between people who think that blacks are discriminated against because they’re black, and those who point out “anybody who is getting drunk and stoned before noon is going to have trouble finding a job.” And in a parallel world, that distinction is between those who think it’s absurd that everybody doesn’t go to work via transit, and those who point out that riding transit too often means sharing space with people smoking a ton of dope before noon.

  12. In Fit of Racially Charged Outrage, Democrats Target Supreme Court’s Only Black Justice for Impeachment
    Party’s ugly segregationist past resurfaces as prominent interracial couple comes under attack

    In an echo of the party’s racist past, prominent Democrats are demanding the Supreme Court’s lone black justice, Clarence Thomas, be fired from his job. The racially charged attacks are made all the more sinister by the fact that Thomas is married to a white woman, Virginia, who has also come under assault as a result of their interracial love.

    “Clarence Thomas needs to be impeached,” Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) wrote Thursday in response to revelations about the justice’s white wife. In an op-ed titled, “Why Democrats should impeach Justice Clarence Thomas,” MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan cited Thomas’s relationship with his wife as one of the main reasons why the black man should lose his job. The Women’s March, a Democratic-aligned activist group plagued by allegations of anti-Semitism, also called for Thomas to be impeached. The group’s executive director, Rachel O’Leary Carmona, said Thomas was “hopelessly compromised” as a result of his interracial marriage.


  13. Leftists want Clarance out of the Big House, and back into the fields.

    He gettin uppity.

  14. The only redeeming factor of the story is the thug is NOT wearing a wholly ineffective mask at the lowest point in spread since the ‘pandemic’ begun. (If I had not been told there was a pandemic I would have never known). I jest about the thug being redeeming but you get my drift.

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