Columns I Didn’t Finish

Paul Waldman, at the Washington Post

Over the multiple days of her confirmation hearings for a seat on the Supreme Court, Ketanji Brown Jackson will have to sit attentively for hours while the 22 members of the Senate Judiciary Committee speechify at her, testing both her endurance and her ability to refrain from rolling her eyes when the likes of Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) and Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) ascend the heights of inane demagoguery at her expense.

Amid all that pontification, there’s a particular phrase you should watch out for that will likely be repeated dozens of times: “judicial philosophy.” The phrase should raise red flags because it’s a signal that the person using it is about to pull a fast one, either to claim they themselves believe something they really don’t, or to pretend that an attack they’re making on Jackson is far more high-minded than it actually is. … The alternative to all this hogwash would be a little candor.

Our current vice president is a dopey gigglebox whose morning calisthenics consist of struggling to find a coherent thought. Feel the burn! She was picked solely on the basis of her skin color and gender.

Now, our current president, whose Biden Doctrine “I can’t have oatmeal before 8 am because I get gassy” will soon be of interest only to the nurses who wheel him down to the solarium, has nominated Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court, the Left’s favorite unaccountable super-legislature. What’s more, she was picked for the exact same reasons as Harris. Given that first steaming example of affirmative action, as fresh as objets d’art on a San Francisco sidewalk, and how that is working out, might Jackson be worth a few pointed questions from a co-equal branch of government before she takes her lifetime appointment, Mr. Waldman?


56 thoughts on “Columns I Didn’t Finish

  1. I call what Emery has “Dog Gone Disease.” I named it after a past SITD commenter who claimed that my views, which are pretty middle of the road, were “extremist.”
    In reality, polling shows that most Americans are far more conservative than liberal. They are ambivalent on abortion on demand, they would like to see illegal aliens deported by about a 2:1 margin, the majority want to get rid of affirmative action, they oppose American intervention in foreign wars, and of course they do not believe that a man can become a woman by putting on a dress.

  2. Here is the web portal of the “highly secretive” Federalist Society:
    Here is the Federalist Society’s “About US” page:
    Today is one of those days when, driven to some kind of political frenzy, Emery keeps upping the ante on his fate-driven errors of fact.

  3. It is clear that Emery does not understand the country he lives in, if he lives in the US. This explains his wrongly predicting political outcomes in the US. I am over 60 years old & have lived for long periods in highly diverse parts of the US, and I barely understand this place. That is why I make few political predictions.

  4. ^ Speaking of irritating and mediocre, you’re just going to ride that definition of woman thing into the ground, aren’t you. Bless your heart.

  5. Some day, Emery will make a coherent point.
    But not this day.
    Bless your heart!

  6. I would like to begin by ranting the exact same statement I ranted about yesterday. ~ woolly

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