Bureaucratese Translated Into English While You Wait

The curiously omnipresent Lt. Governor Flanagan:

Let’s translate:

“Empowering communities to lead with state support” = “transferring public funds to ‘community’ non-profits who do nothing bout crime, but who do serve as the DFL’s farm team and ‘enforcers’ in the community’.

“Be good partners” = keep transferring state money to that political class.

Once you understand the language, it gets so much easier.

8 thoughts on “Bureaucratese Translated Into English While You Wait

  1. What do we expect from a Native American that was indoctrinated from birth to get freebies from the gubmint, that came from the productive class. The DemoCommie party is just one big Ponzi scheme.

  2. I do not think anyone needed a translation. What LtG said was very clear.

  3. I’m using the E-Collective threadjack excuse to bring up a related topic. Bill Glahn’s twitter feed has been discussing the utterly amazing scandal that is ‘community’ non-profits supposedly dedicated to Feeding The Children (but mostly dedicated to lining the pockets of various lefties). This is a huge scandal involving FBI raids in various parts of the state. Here’s one link.


  4. not a threadjack at all but proof positive that LtG means what he says.

  5. There is a lot more of this going on than most people think.
    Governments, state and federal, used the pandemic to institute a command economy while they helicoptered bundles of cash to make up for it.
    In 2020 and 2021 Minneapolis was kept solvent by massive infusions of federal cash.

  6. There is a lot more of this going on than most people think

    Well, of course. Make a cursory mention on page 3 or a 15 second mention over the air and (hand-washing motion) we’ve done our part, it’s now officially covered. Let us never speak of this again.

  7. “We know public safety needs look different across the state”

    Right. In cities with large populations of blacks, it’s bullet proof glass and vests.

    Everywhere else, it’s fixing roads and watching for deer while driving.

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