Great Time For A Strike, Denise…”

Minneapolis teachers will likely be walking off the job.

The timing…doesn’t seem great, from their perspective:

I think Majority Leader Gazelka got this one right:

10 thoughts on “Great Time For A Strike, Denise…”

  1. What useful purpose are kids to the K-12 system? If Education Minnesota could only exclude them from the enterprise, there would be so much more money for underpaid teachers.

  2. Teacher’s Unions, aka The Mob, is grasping at straws trying to enrich their pockets one last time while public, and more importantly teachers, FINALLY get the word that The Mob can no longer AUTOMATICALLY make teachers pay dues. The Mob lost in court but surprise, surprise, it was not reported in MSM so it apparently did not happen. The faster the teachers get the word they can just stop paying dues, the quicker we get education back on track. Well, I wish and hope.

  3. The purpose of teacher colleges is to separate the wheat from the chaff. They drive away the wheat and enroll the chaff in Education Minnesota.

  4. After 2 years of getting paid for doing bugger-all the Teacher’s Union is striking for “living wages”?

  5. If a person working the Service Counter at Target claimed he needed more “non-customer contact days,” management would fire him and replace him in five minutes. Every summer off; major holidays off; hours limited to 8:30 – 3:30; number of customers served limited to 25; the same. Target has a list of applicants eager to make $15 an hour.

    As do schools.

    The barrier to educational success in the public schools is not working conditions or pay, it’s the union. Want proof? Look at the alternatives – charter and magnet.

  6. If I were Queen Bettyboop, i would decertify the union and make them reapply for their teaching position and it could possibly be at a lower salary. (Reagan and the Air Traffic Controllers) I would hire qualified people to teach who did not go through the communist training program– more commonly called teacher licensing schools. I would also put the money into the hands of the parents and let them decide the best school for their child. Where is the GOP on this????? Gazelka…Gazelka….

  7. While I agree that the MFT has spectacularly misjudged their standing with parents and other adults in the city, I fear they have precisely judged their actual opponents – The School Board and will likely succeed in extracting yet more untenable pay and restrictions sure to accelerate the decline of Minneapolis Schools – as if things could get much worse.

  8. Where is the GOP on this????? Gazelka…Gazelka….

    Despite Gazelka’s text, he’s been voted “RINO Most Likely to Cave to Teachers Union”. What he’s doing right now is fluffing his chest hairs to make himself look manlier against the pack of primary candidates that are to his right (all of them).

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