Culture Is Everything

Joe Doakes from Como park emails:

Is this a clever public relations ploy to divert attention from Ukraine, is it a mere prank tweaking the Left’s nose, or have Russians actually become more sensible than Democrats?

Substitute “America” for “Russia” and I could sign up today.

Joe Doakes

It’s all three.

And I suspect most conservatives already have signed up – to the private sector initiative, at least.

19 thoughts on “Culture Is Everything

  1. It always seemed to me that Russia has always thought of itself as related but different from (western) Europe. Like cousins maybe.

    Different and better. Like they kicked the ass of the two greatest western Euro war machines (Napoleon and Hitler), so they have no need to feel inferior to the west.

    With that in mind, were I a Russian leader and observing the national suicides taking place in western Europe, from culture, populations trends, diplomatic/military power, energy, etc, I would do anything and everything to maintain a national distance.

    Moreover and more importantly, encouraging people to believe in something bigger than themselves, like religion and national traditions, is a well-known and historically well-tested way reduce intra-national frictions.

  2. jdm – debatable about Nap and Hit. It wasn’t Russia per se that beat Nap, it was Russian winter. After all, Nap took Moscow and then up and left because he realized there was nothing of worth in Russia (at that time) to keep it occupied. As far as Hit, without America’s help with arms and Western Front, it is debatable whether they would have pulled it off by their lonesome. But since they ended up on top, that’s how they perceive it.

  3. I know the details, jpa. I’ve studied military history for most of my life. To all the people that matter – which is almost everyone else – Russia defeated both Napoleon and Hitler. It’s a public relations operation not a history course.

  4. Napolean? Pah, chickenfeed. We defeated the Afghans, something the Russians could ever do.

    We beat them so badly that when we left, we didn’t even bother to bring home our military supplies and equipment, much less American citizens and the Afghani people who helped us. With no Taliban left, they’re perfectly safe.

  5. It’s a public relations operation not a history course.

    On that we are in violent agreement. BTW, D-Day and its significance was not even mentioned in the USSR history books and classes. I doubt they talk about it today.

  6. The USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) lost an F-35C, our most advanced fighter aircraft in the South China Sea. China is scrambling to recover it before the Navy does. This was the 5th major incident aboard the Vinson, so far, in 2 months.

    Bad things happen all the time at sea; it’s a dangerous place to be. But when I was a young sailor, a Captain that had 5 major incidents on one deployment would have been relieved of command. But he’s probably the best they’ve got now.

    I firmly believe this is the result of Obama’s purge of top military officers, and their replacement with obedient minions who put their advancement ahead of everything else. I believe this is the result of replacing combat training with bullshit, leftist social indoctrination.

    I believe our military will get it’s ass kicked, and soon.

  7. The Russians don’t have a single plan. They have strategic goals and then they have options to meet them. They try something and then they step back. They are very receptive to the response.

    The West should have come down on Putin like a ton of bricks in 2014 when he annexed Crimea. 70 years of building an architecture for peace on the European continent annihilated in one stroke. Territorial acquisition by force was back on the agenda. He got away with it — and the world watched and took note.

  8. But he’s probably the best they’ve got now

    She’s? I don’t know, just wondering out loud.

  9. The West

    This thing you call The West has not existed in any viable, useful form since the 90s. And after Bush & Co took months to put together a barely united front that “came down like a ton of bricks” on Saddam causing years of death, tragedy, and costs, no one wants to throw around their bricks anymore.

    Sorry, you neocons (aka keyboard warriors) are gonna have to actually make a convincing argument as to why your newest war project is important, how it furthers (our) national security, how many deaths and wounded you find agreeable, and, most importantly, just exactly what is goal so we can measure success and leave.

  10. From what I’ve seen so far, I think rat Emery is advising witless Pedo Joe on his response to Russian threats to Ukraine.

    I expect a disaster is imminent.

  11. @jdm — I prefer that we focus on the terrorists who attacked our Government on January 6th 2021, especially on the one ensconced at Mar A Lago.

    As best I can tell — Trump wants to pardon Antifa members, or he is admitting his supporters stormed the Capitol on Jan 6th.…

  12. “A grandmother from Indiana who participated in the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol was sentenced Wednesday to three years of probation for her participation in the riot, making her the first person sentenced in the attack.

    “Anna Morgan-Lloyd, a 49-year-old hair salon owner, pleaded guilty to one misdemeanor count of parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a capitol building, which carries a maximum sentence of six months in jail and a $5,000 fine. Washington, D.C., District Judge Royce Lamberth also ordered her to complete 40 hours of community service and pay $500 in restitution.”

    We came THAT close to anarchy. I’m literally shaking.

  13. JD, hair salon owners, especially from the Nazi heartland, are well-known revolutionaries. She was so cool, calm, and collected, she pretended to be an innocent who got lost while walking around DC. And those violent “terrorists who attacked our Government” while staying inside the rope barriers in the Statuary. It was obvious what they were doing.

  14. Imagine being the rare leftist with an IQ higher than 80, who drops in here and sees who has been representing their side.

    Rat would have xer cringing, and Peevee would leave xer under the desk in the fetal position for a month.

  15. History is clear. Appeasement doesn’t work. You have to take a hard stance with aggressive autocrats. It’s the only language they understand.

  16. You know what amazes me the most in this MilkJug/Ukraine/Russia kerufle? Fact that Ukraine is telling MilkJug to shut the fuck up and to stop fanning the flames. They do not want MilkJug’s help, his empty rhetoric already cost them millions of dollars. But fact the agressee is not asking for direct help will not deter MilkJug, no sirreebob! He has a dog to wag! And his fellow nitwits and those nitwittier are eager to spill blood. Fucking ghouls and monsters.

  17. Dang, I used the four letter word! Here it is again:

    You know what amazes me the most in this MilkJug/Ukraine/Russia kerufle? Fact that Ukraine is telling MilkJug to shut the fuck up and to stop fanning the flames. They do not want MilkJug’s help, his empty rhetoric already cost them millions of dollars. But fact the agressee is not asking for direct help will not deter MilkJug, no sirreebob! He has a d0g to wag! And his fellow nitwits and those nitwittier are eager to spill blood. Fucking ghouls and monsters.

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