15 thoughts on “Science Evolves

  1. KSTP, AKA the “mask newscast,” reported yesterday that your mask protocol now must include an N95 mask, kept sterile by baking in your oven after each use (don’t touch it! don’t!).
    This morning KSTP reported that 65% of N95 masks sold are counterfeit.
    Also, according to KSTP, the US government bought virtually every home covid test, making them difficult for consumers to buy. #EmptyShelvesJoe is now mailing them out, and BTW, if a test kit sits in temps below 35F for more than a few hours, you might as well throw it out.
    Never has so much time, effort, and political capital been spent to accomplish so little. Well, not since the Kabul bug out, anyhow.

  2. Powerline’s Paul Mirengoff reads the NY Times so you don’t have to.
    This AM tells us about this Times article:

    Y’know how Biden’s plan to fight covid looks like a bunch of doofusses running around doing things with no leader and no plan? That is because that is what is happening.
    Even the Biden-friendly Times admits that his administration, while insisting that it “follows the science” puts politics first and has been caught by surprise by events that were predictable. They never had a plan B, it’s been disorganized improvisation for the last year.

  3. They never had a plan B, it’s been disorganized improvisation for the last year.

    What did Mike Tyson say? Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. And Team Biden is all mouth.

  4. ^ I think Patton or Napoleon or some general said something about plans and the first encounter with the enemy or something, Mr D, but Mr Tyson’s formulation is much easier to understand.

  5. Questioning election results 6 months ago would get you the same… What the new saying? – Difference between conspiracy and reality is 6 months?

    Wisconsin Assembly Sends Election Shockwaves by Voting to Withdraw 10 Biden Electors

    Sorry for the threadjack, but it fits the theme of the post.

  6. Boss you were wrong, he just did his usual threadjack. You can’t refute this: people were getting cancelled for saying these things.

  7. Jpa wrote: “Sorry for the threadjack, but it fits the theme of the post.”

    JD wrote: “thread jack”

    Good catch JD

  8. Let’s stop calling them conspiracy theories and start calling them what they really are: spoilers.

  9. GREAT NEWS Rat!

    Pfizer is working on a Covid vaccine suppository! Just tape one to your bald head in the morning, and BOOM! You’re good to go for 24 hours.

    I fucking love Science ™

  10. The insufferable cunts at NPR are tearing their hair out. “Ahhhh! What now?…Quick PIVOT…PIVOT!”

    It’s actually been a pleasure to listen to them suffer.

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