Urban Progressive Privilege: Only The Right Kind Of Compliance!

A friend of the blog emails:

Rise Bagel Company has decided to not have to make a choice of who they serve. They are now closed to indoor dining, open for take out. Their business, their choice. All customers treated equally. Shouldn’t be any controversy.

But, yet there is- people who like the vaccine mandate are somehow mad that Rise Bagel Company is closed to indoor dining. Read the comments on the Facebook-people are upset that this business isn’t doing the least bit to keep people safe. But, what? Isn’t closing down to indoor dining even safer? I’ve heard there are quite a few others doing the same thing, whether out of protest or lack of staffing.

They can only except people closing down for the right reasons.

No, that’s not hyperbole:

I suspect “Rise Bagels” couldn’t be happier to lose this person’s business.

But the point remains – this isn’t about infection control.

Just control.

15 thoughts on “Urban Progressive Privilege: Only The Right Kind Of Compliance!

  1. Ha! I’m betting that jackass has never been to Rise and has been hiding in his mommy’s basement since the plandemic began. He watches his TWITter feed hourly, so that he can show what a self righteous asshole “Karen” he is.

  2. Why would you blur out that caring citizen’s face and name? Xe proudly and publicly declared their virtue.

    Don’t you care about your neighbors? Nazi

  3. “All are welcome here”? There is a house a few doors down with one of those signs in his yard. I thought it was a liberal thing, now I guess it is a maga thing.

  4. I agree with what Rat emery’s unwholesome urges says. When people make outlandish statements online, they need to be broadcast far and wide. If they wanted to not be identified, they shouldn’t have made the statement in the first place. Stop blotting out twats who spew twattiness.

  5. I’d be inclined to support Rise Bagels and go buy a couple. Except they’re in Minneapolis, and I stopped spending money in Minneapolis in 2018.

  6. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 01.20.22 : The Other McCain

  7. Rise Bagel Company won’t force its customers to share medical information in order to make purchases. Opponents of mandatory Covid vaccination refuse to share private medical information. Therefore Rise Bagel Company is opposed to vaccination. [Loud buzzer]. The tweeter gets an F in logic.

  8. I look at it as an economic decision. Allowing inside dining now costs more per customer, because you have to include whatever the costs are for complying with Frei’s Folly.

  9. I know a bartender who works at two places, one inside Minneapolis and one not.
    He told me that working the non-Minneapolis bar is like a vacation comparatively, just because of the addition paperwork Minneapolis requires.

  10. I just read where a group of Minneapolis restaurant owners – including the Gay 90s club – are suing Frey and the City of Minneapolis for overreach with the mandate, and saying it is an illegal imposition that flies in the face of advice from the State and health officials. Look for the vaccination mandate to collapse like a wet, COVID-infested Kleenex.

  11. Legal or not, the optics of being forced to share vaccine information (“Ihre Papiere, bitte”) are so bad, I can’t blame any business owner, no matter what their politics, for wanting to get out of that deal. I’m not surprised that some on the progressive left assume that’s a function of vaccine denialism, though.

    I’ve got to wonder how many business owners from the Twin Cities are going to lose their shirts because of this. Last time I was downtown, pre-COVID, I was struck by how dead it was. I can’t imagine that the past couple of years have helped, and now this. Yikes. The Twins are well on their way to becoming a colder Detroit or Gary, it seems.

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