Urban Progressive Privilege: Am I The Only One That Thinks…

…that the current, possibly-excessive, garment-rending over the “Omicron” variant is the sound of an awful lot of people who’ve gone through lives with little purpose or meaning, and have found a perverted version of both in bullying, shunning and scarlet-lettering people with different conclusions and means of dealing with Covid?

That depression and anxiety might be the least of society’s mental health issues when it comes to this pandemic – that the wave of cultural narcissism it’s released dwarves everything else (except, obviously, the suicide?)

12 thoughts on “Urban Progressive Privilege: Am I The Only One That Thinks…

  1. For the dhimmis this is a last hope to somehow prevent a tidal wave of losses in the coming midterms, by instituting (or trying to) universal mail in frauding, errr, voting.

  2. Regarding the variant, you’ve got a hundred or so cases so far that are actually documented. When you compare that to the tens of millions (hundreds?) of cases worldwide, you’re going to have a touch of trouble doing good statistics on that one, to put it mildly. One bit of hope is that at least one doctor who’s examined those with the variant (which I want to call Xi) says they don’t seem to be as severe as other variants he’s seen. The flip side is that he’s got a small sample, and it’s a small proportion of cases with the other variants that turn really bad.

    But yeah, the left seems to love to panic at everything.

  3. Show me this is a real crisis, not another fake crisis.

    Send camera crews to show me the bodies lying dead on hospital gurneys or neatly stacked on street corners for the front-end loaders to take to mass graves, corpses drenched with diesel fuel and set alight to kill the virus.

    Put up drone video of rich people building plexiglass bubbles over their estates so giant air purifiers can keep them safe as they cower at home, forsaking parties and awards events.

    When the people who claim it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis, then I’ll believe it’s a crisis. But I want to see it for myself. Roll the tape.

  4. I will add that the doctor in Africa that use identified this new fear porn generator, said that the symptoms that presented with about 100 patients, were extremely mild, mostly fatigue, scratchy throats and/or headaches. She further stated that these symptoms have only been lasting about two days, no one has been hospitalized and they were able to be treated at home. Despite the people that, you know, were ACTUALLY TREATING the patients, testified on the mild symptoms, the DemoCommies will not let even a manufactured crisis go to waste.

  5. BB wrote: “One bit of hope is that at least one doctor who’s examined those with the variant (which I want to call Xi) says they don’t seem to be as severe as other variants he’s seen.”

    He said, Xi said. ;^)

    Biden’s right when he says Omicron is not a cause for panic — if you listened to the experts over the weekend and not the media pundits, they all said this — its concerning but its also not known what exactly we are dealing with. So far, the cases in Africa are mild so we may have nothing to worry about. When you have idiots like the former presidential physician, Ronny Jackson, Tweeting that this is a Democrat conspiracy created in a lab to help them in the 2022 election, it shows how corrupt politicians really are. Its a Democrat conspiracy? Really? And the entire world including Africa and ISRAEL are all in on it and working with Biden to fake all of this?? Yeah right…

  6. The existence of the virus is not a hoax. The Democrats’ panic response to the virus was the hoax, a manufactured crisis. Having manufactured the crisis, they didn’t let it go to waste. They seized the opportunity to ‘fortify’ election procedures which enabled them to steal the election.

    It doesn’t matter what anybody did in other countries. Maybe they have their own usurpers needing a crisis to exploit. Maybe they follow the US lead in medical matters hoping we know what we’re talking about. Maybe their media lies even more than ours does. Doesn’t matter. What matters is what happened here.

    The biggest ‘tell’ that it was all a lie is the bodies. Where are the bodies? Sure, Democrats can lie about the numbers and claim a million people dead with Covid, but at the end of the day people know enough to look around and say, “Wait a minute: if this is the deadliest thing ever, how come nobody I know is dying of it? How come it’s all old people in nursing homes, same people that die of every bad flu? Why is my kid’s school closed when not one kid in town is actually sick? Why is Ida’s Penny Candy closed but the World’s Largest Candy Store is open? What the hell is going on here?”

    Notice how Governor Walz hasn’t called a new emergency, even though Minnesota has one of the highest infection rates in the country? Democrats won’t let him. They don’t want the bad PR and they don’t need a lockdown this year because there’s no election.

    It was all a lie.

  7. I cannot be the only person who has realized that an anagram for Omicron is mOronic. Or that only morons are taking it seriously.

  8. Polls have shown that people routinely overestimate the CFR (Case Fatality Rate) of covid by an order of magnitude or more.
    This is not simply an American phenomenon.
    None of the research that I have seen delves into the reason why people overestimate covid’s CFR, but it seems that this overestimation is the justification behind the inappropriate goverment response to covid (lockdowns, forced business closures, mask mandates, etc.).
    The broadcast news stories I have seen about the new covid variant are terrible. They give little actual information about the actual effects of contracting the omicron strain. Instead they give airtime to politicians and “public health experts” who only provide worse case scenarios, based on the same information available to anyone else.

  9. And Biden has suspended enforcement of his vax mandate: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/unvaccinated-federal-workers-wont-be-fired-during-holiday-season-despite-missing-deadline/ar-AARgWrT

    Osha suspended its vax mandate enforcement for private employers following the 5th district putting a hold on it, so there is now no enforcement of any federal vax mandate.
    And the lawsuits hae yet to have their day in court.
    Another unforced error by team Biden!
    It won’t get better until Biden is kicked out of office. The multiple crises Biden is dealing with are the result of his own policies.

  10. Biden Spokesdrone Psaki is queueing up another unforced error by the Biden administration.
    Any “domestic passport” will be quickly shot down by the courts, but not before its prospect worsens the supply chain jam up and sows further instability in the stock market.
    There are no adults in charge. The Biden admin’s prioroties are being driven by the most radical far-left dems in congress and covid ninnies.

    Q Thank you, Jen. So, the President said earlier today that there haven’t been any recommendations to put in place domestic travel requirements. But what we saw with the Delta variant is that once it was already here, it spread rapidly across the country. So why not have any testing or vaccination requirements whatsoever for domestic air travel since people are, you know, going fairly openly across the country?

    MS. PSAKI: Well, what I think you heard the President say, I think — it was hard to hear the questions, so I think this was a question that was asked, but — was that he wasn’t taking any options off the table, but he’s going to rely on the advice of his health and medical experts. So, I would really point you to them.

    I know we’ll have a COVID briefing in the coming days.

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