Hand To Hand Combat

What would this blog do without Representative Ryan Winkler?

Not spend nearly as much time mocking and taunting, that’s for sure:

Of course I’m selling Winkler short. He knows that after a year of squatting on small businesses, levying the worth of families by “essential”, non-essential or just plain above it all, and putting kids’ interests and science behind those of the Teachers Union, his claim is baked wind.

But Winkler knows the most important fact of all: the DFL base is complacent, ignorant and just as sodden with self-satisfied hubris and Winkler himself. If any of them could think critically about anything, they wouldn’t be DFLers.

Hope I’ve settled that.

6 thoughts on “Hand To Hand Combat

  1. If any of them could think critically about anything, they wouldn’t be DFLers.

    If your livelihood relies on avoiding critical thinking, the DFL has a slot for you.

  2. Gubmint creating a problem then riding in on their media devised white horses to fix said problem and save us all.

    What a time to be alive and beneficiaries of such noble acts.

  3. Actually, escape, their solutions to most often non existent problems, always create at least five real problems.

  4. I wonder if any of these feckless jerks cringe when reading the inane, specious shit they post.

  5. Boss,
    At least 5 indeed. But its never about results, it’s all about the feelz.

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