Mark This Down

October/November, 2019: The Star/Tribune Editorial Board – presumably including member Patricia Lopez – endorses nearly every DFL candidate (with the exception of a scant few Republicans who are either shoe-ins or can’t possibly contend).

This pattern has been repeated in nearly every election in recent memory – the past 50 years, at least. Certainly since before Lopez joined the editorial board.

Lopez on Twitter last week:

November 2020: The Star/Tribune Editorial Board – presumably including member Patricia Lopez – will endorse nearly every DFL candidate (with the exception of a scant few Republicans who are either shoe-ins or can’t possibly contend).

I’m going to save this for the week before the next election.

19 thoughts on “Mark This Down

  1. I’ve heard that all good Democrats are happy to pay taxes. And more taxes. And even some more taxes. She’s going to lose her membership card complaining about an increase.

  2. I’ve heard that all good Democrats are happy to pay taxes.

    Didn’t there used to be lawn signs with which one could declare “Happy to pay more in taxes”? I seem to recall a number of them in the various lawns in the Linden Hills area when we were travelling to someplace down around there.

  3. I missed the point here.

    You know, there are more important things for a city to worry about than taxes. There is gender equity, environmental justice, climate change, islamaphobia, transphobia and global issues of hunger, homelessness and Trump’s immoral treatment of the Ukraine.

    In light of these pressing issues, taxes and garbage collection are trivial concerns.

  4. You forgot reparations, Greg. It was deliberate, and it betrayed you as a rabid racist who hates Negroes; for those reasons, we have to ask you to surrender weapon and leave the forge.

  5. Greg, how can you be so short-sighted and narrow-minded? You completely left out ridding the city of Evil Black Rifles.

  6. Pssst, Joe, shhhhhhhh.

    We only talk about ridding the city of Evil Black Rifles after the election. Before the election, we wax nostalgically about Dad and Uncle Joe driving off to hunt pheasants at Grandpa’s farm.

    But let’s talk about something else. I propose the conservatives in Saint Paul launch the “VOTE DFL BECAUSE” campaign. It would consist of lawn signs and bumper stickers that endorse a wide range of progressive slogans:

    VOTE DFL BECAUSE fighting climate change is more important than plowing streets.

    VOTE DFL BECAUSE diversity and inclusion are more vital than reading or writing

    VOTE DFL BECAUSE funding advocacy is more important than sound fiscal management.

    VOTE DFL BECAUSE other people are more important than you.

    VOTE DFL BECAUSE all problems are caused by TRUMP

  7. That sounds like a statewide campaign. Do we know anyone who might know someone… who might be able to get this off the ground. I’d be interested in helping fund something like this.

    PS, and that graf about hunting pheasants at Grandpa’s farm was just as brilliant.

  8. It would be great fun to launch a contest right here on SITD for the best slogan.

    My personal favorite:

    VOTE DFL BECAUSE other people are more important than you.

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