The Snowiest Flake

75 years ago, thousands of Americans – teenagers or not far removed from it, mostly – waded through the surf into machine gun fire to begin liberating Europe.

This is their legacy of boldness and forthright courage:

Mr. Ford: the National Day of Prayer “stigmatizes” you in exactly the same way the Irish Fair “stigmatizes” Norwegians.

If Atheists managed to jam down a “National Day of Skepticism”, all it would do is keep them occupied (presumbly withe the vegans and crossfitters) while I go about my business.

But then, I’m not nearly that “woke”, so what do I know?

14 thoughts on “The Snowiest Flake

  1. *Pounds head against wall* Its FREEDOM OF RELIGION YOU DUMB FUCKING MILLENIAL (I know, saying that at this point is almost rhetorical) READ THE DAMN CONSTITUTION SOMETIME. *Resumes pounding head against wall*

  2. There is one day of prayer, leaving 364 days of not prayer. How can you be stigmatized and marginalized when your preference wholly and completely dominates the entire calendar year?

  3. Joe, you should know that its either 100% or nothing for the left these day.

  4. Obviously Zack Ford hates Muslims – because hey, they pray. Is he saying that Islam erases and stigmatizes many of us.

    What does that say about Ilham Omar?

    Oh….. I am certain that Zack Ford was NOT Tweeting about Muslims or Ilham Omar…..I mean, that would be racist.

    He was just attacking Christian…..’cause that’s okay (even though some are black and Latino).

  5. In my experience, atheists spend more time thinking and talking about religion than Joel Osteen.

  6. That’s the thing with religion, you basically get to make up whatever you want to believe. The rest of us get to decide whether we share that faith, or interpret the world differently.

  7. Swiftee, dont get me started on that guy. I hate him with a burning passion.

  8. Per Greg, it could be really fun to connect Mr. Ford with Muslims who might be offended about the matter. Not to mention sadistic. :^)

    To double down on my sadistic tendencies, I just prayed for him. That’ll show him who’s boss.

  9. That’s the thing with religion, you basically get to make up whatever you want to believe.

    Dunning_Kruger was obviously brought up, while a tot, as a Universal Unitarian while it was still the just the church of the Barking Moonbat, before it became the church of the Barking Globohomo bat.

    It’s the only run what ya brung religion I know of.

  10. “The rest of us get to decide whether we share that faith, or interpret the world differently.”

    And then badger the rest of us half to death over it.

    How can you tell when someone at the party is an atheist, doing crossfit, or a vegan?

    Don’t worry – they’ll tell you.

  11. Do you know how irritating it is to have to observe official “Indigenous Peoples Day”?
    Those indigenous bastards tried to kill my ancestors, out of pure race hatred.

  12. I always have great fun telling atheists that I admire their faith. Another thing that irritates them to no end is the atheism is a recognized religion.

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