Eat More Chicken-S*** Virtue-Signaling City Administrative Cattle

One of Trump’s Civil Rights Commissioners lays the smack down on the San Antonio’s mayor for excluding Chik-fil-a from the city’s airport food court…

…and does it in terms that Mark Twain and Will Rogers would approve of (emphasis added):

Commission as a whole, to address the bigoted virtue-signaling displayed by the City Council in banning Chick-Fil-A from the San Antonio airport.
If the City Council had banned Chick-Fil-A from the airport because its members hate the tastiest chicken sandwiches in creation, there would be no constitutional violation. The City Council, however, explicitly banned Chick-Fil-A because of the company’s charitable donations
to religious organizations. Fortune reports:
“With this decision, the City Council reaffirmed the work our city has done to become a champion of equality and inclusion,” said City Councilman Roberto Treviño. “San Antonio is a city full of compassion, and we do not have room in our facilities for a company with a history of anti-LGBTQ behavior.”
The lack of self-awareness in that statement is astonishing. Exclusion in the name of ostensible inclusion; intolerance in the name of tolerance.

Litigation is threatened – and more importantly, prim virtue-signaling is mocked.

I feel just a little more faith in my fellow human today.

4 thoughts on “Eat More Chicken-S*** Virtue-Signaling City Administrative Cattle

  1. I’d better get myself to Chick-Fil-A to help them pay their lawyers to sue San Antonio into submission.

  2. More from Kirsanow’s letter:
    “Yet here we are, with the council of a city named for a Catholic saint singling out a fast-food restaurant for opprobrium and disparate treatment because the owners gave money to religious organizations that share the Catholic Church’s view of marriage. I respectfully suggest that by that standard,City Council’s got a lot more banning to do.What an amazingly stupid time to be alive.”

  3. Not to mention the small detail that this idiot clowncil member is probably a Catholic.

  4. I used to live in San Antonio; still sport the hat I bought from Paris Hatters in ’88. I have wonderful memories of the place..I now weep for what the reprobates have done to it. The near neighborhoods are filthy, all the houses have bars on the windows. It wont get cleaned up until after the phags and trannies move in, probably.

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