A Man Needs A Woman Like A Fish Needs A Bicycle

The primary assumption of radical identity feminism is that womankind just doesn’t need men.

The revolution in, for lack of a better term, “sex robots”, might promise to flip that assumption on its head; men might just as well do without women:

The average single man paying attention to contemporary social fashions will struggle to understand the new rules of meeting, courting, or having sex with women. Something as banal as trying to converse with a woman wearing headphones is now often considered harassment. A man’s chances of mating success increase when he approaches many women, but so too do his chances of a gaining reputation as sexist, exploitative, or immoral. To take a fraught example, how does a man know that a woman is genuinely consenting to sex? A lack of ability to pick up on cues can incur catastrophic costs.

Men high in conscientiousness, who are sensitive to social disapproval but who nonetheless have difficulty reading subtle social cues, could make good husbands for women. These men are unlikely to want to take the risk of approaching women. As substitutes like sex robots and virtual companions become better and cheaper, they will monopolize the attention of such men.

Think of an introverted engineer with Asperger’s syndrome who wasn’t sure how to broach a conversation with a woman back in 2015 and definitely isn’t sure how to do that in today’s climate. In 10 years he could have a beautiful robot companion (indeed, he could have one that could emulate the experience of having sex with dozens of different women) that has a lower barrier to entry than the mating market and that keeps him satisfied enough to remain a happy bachelor. Some woman misses out on a conscientious guy with a good income who might not know exactly how to respond when she says “nothing’s wrong,” but will definitely keep the cars tuned up to get the kids to their mathematics championships. The world might miss out on his sons and daughters and their analytical approaches to some of the world’s problems.

I’m always going to prefer the real thing, speaking for myself – but the fact that this spectre makes all the right people feel panicky…:

Plus: “Underpinning feminist anxiety is the specter of female replaceability. Having long been concerned with governing male desire, the feminist project now faces the possibility of being routed around. Men can build alternatives to a sexual market that has been made less navigable because of ideology. Substitutes are built and bargaining power dissipates. Sex robots are to gender politics as scabs are to labor relations.”

…makes me smile.

24 thoughts on “A Man Needs A Woman Like A Fish Needs A Bicycle

  1. “Men high in conscientiousness, who are sensitive to social disapproval but who nonetheless have difficulty reading subtle social cues, could make good husbands for women. These men are unlikely to want to take the risk of approaching women.”

    That’s me in detail. And I grew up in the ’50s and ’60s. With modern feminists providing daily proof to such guys that they’re neither wanted or welcome, I think I’ll invest heavily in sex robotics.

  2. Yeah I’ll stick to the flesh and blood females, this sex robot thnig is beyond creepy…

  3. ” These men are unlikely to want to take the risk of approaching women.” Good God its the 21st century, there’s this thing called dating apps that essentially remove that risk. Also those men are pussies and classic beta males.

  4. PoD, the next lowest level is to claim harassment if the wrong guy “swipes right” on a dating app. Beyond that is the right guy swiping left.

  5. Sorry I need to rant here for a second…

    Think of an introverted engineer with Asperger’s syndrome who wasn’t sure how to broach a conversation with a woman back in 2015 and definitely isn’t sure how to do that in today’s climate.

    As someone with Aspergers who… well lets just say I sowed my seeds in my 20s (not a Dad yet though thank merciful God) ITS NOT HARD TO LEARN TO TALK TO FEMALES. Dont use Aspergers as an excuse or crutch, I never did. Heck when I finally got the “help” I was allowed I didnt know what to do with it. I feel sorry for these kids in the nerxt generatrion. In my opinion the best thing you can do with a kid with Aspergers is treat them like everyone else, these kids are so damn coddled that when they are thrown into the real world it will destry them because they will have no idea how to cope, with dealing with the opposite sex or life in general.

  6. PoD, the next lowest level is to claim harassment if the wrong guy “swipes right” on a dating app. Beyond that is the right guy swiping left.

    Tinder has too many SJWs, its to the point I cant even tolerate a one night stand with them anymore. Ive used POF for meeting females, since like 2004

  7. What should the dating scene look like for young people?
    In the 80s guys dated women that they met through friends and family, or work. At least that is how I remember it. People met socially, interacted, and if both parties were willing they deepened their relationship.
    The 30-ish guy who does my yard work uses one of those swipe left, swipe right apps. He always has a girlfriend, but they only last a few weeks before he moves on. His mother told me that it’s because, with the app, he’s always trying to shop up (& the same for the woman he’s seeing).
    What would the dating scene look like for young people in 2018 if there were no feminist pushback on hit&run dating by men? I doubt if conservatives would approve of it.

  8. He always has a girlfriend, but they only last a few weeks before he moves on Quantity over quality MP.

    What would the dating scene look like for young people in 2018 if there were no feminist pushback on hit&run dating by men? I doubt if conservatives would approve of it.

    There’d definitly be more married young people, fortunately at 32, I am ready to settle down. The line I like using is “I want someone I can come home to rather than go out with.” But at my age I am a anomaly among millenial men at least.

  9. This will only further the decline of the White race. Most toxic feminists are whywymin; minority feminists are already shunned by minority men, so often hook up with soy dripping whymen.

    Minority cultures have not suffered the feminist metastasis. The men won’t stand for it, and the women don’t want them to. They will continue to be fruitful and prosper.

  10. Uh Swiftee… when did you become a white suprecist? I only hear about decline of the white race crap from the al-right, anti-semitic, neo-nazi type.

  11. Your playing identity politcs man, you are no better than the leftists that you claim to hate when you do that

  12. Minority cultures have not suffered the feminist metastasis. The men won’t stand for it, and the women don’t want them to. They will continue to be fruitful and prosper.

    They have enough of their own issues with out of wedlock births and generational dependence on the state for income. Feminism is the least of their cultural concerns

  13. MP, as I recall, the criteria for most of us was finding women who didn’t already have someone else’s kids.

    In the 90’s, it was finding a gal not sporting a big tramp stamp tattoo.

    Since women aren’t having kids these days until they’re old enough to be considered an at-risk maternity, and getting sleeved is mainstream now, I expect finding a woman without a Johnson is the biggest problem.

  14. Being a Native American, it is impossible to for me to be a white supremacist.
    The decline of the number of Christians is a bigger concern than any decline of the white race.

  15. They have enough of their own issues with out of wedlock births and generational dependence on the state for income. Feminism is the least of their cultural concerns


  16. The false cry of rape or sexual harassment shouldn’t be a problem for working class men. What is there to gain? What career-enhancements can a carpenter offer a woman at work (if he can find one) in return for sex?

  17. The decline of the number of Christians is a bigger concern than any decline of the white race.

    This. I agree 100% with. Its why I also refuse to date non-christians.

  18. Since women aren’t having kids these days until they’re old enough to be considered an at-risk maternity, and getting sleeved is mainstream now, I expect finding a woman without a Johnson is the biggest problem.

    If done right I find ink on a woman incredibly sexy.

  19. I have worked in technical fields that were heavily male dominated all of my life. This doesn’t mean that there was a lot of sexual harassment going on, it means that there was no sexual harassment going on.
    One place where I worked had an assembly floor that was about fifty-fifty male/female, but all of the supervisors were men. I heard stories about what went on over on the assembly floor.
    As time goes by I am more likely to blame mixed-sex workplaces for all of this sexual angst, not wicked men or the “patriarchy.” The best pickings for abusive men came in with the mixed sex worked workforce, and this coincided with the liberation of women from the house.

  20. We might propose that older men mentor younger men in this regard. My stepdad did that for me, and I’m pretty danged grateful 22+ years into wedlock. It’s worth noting as well that after her divorce, my mom got into feminism to a degree until my stepdad showed her how a real man treats a woman.

    And that’s exactly how my stepdad mentored me, by loving my mom. He never considered it hard work, it’s just how he rolls.

    Regarding “s*xbots”, I would hope people would figure out that if making love to someone or something requires sanitizing to prevent contagion, that really nixes the deal. Obviously there are a lot of people out there who cannot figure out this common sense rule.

  21. I don’t mind a little ink on a woman, POD. “Tramp stamps” were tattoos trashy women were getting on the small of their backs in the 90’s.

    Of course, when I was 22 years old, I didn’t mind a trashy woman every now and again, either!

  22. I was 32 years old then, Swiftee, and I didn’t mind the ink either. If these loins could talk . . take English Lit classes, guys, if you want to meet women. Plus you’ll learn something.

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