Food For Thought – But Not At Work

A friend of the blog writes:

So, when everyone starts bringing their lunch to work, will they ban private homes from having kitchens?

Of course it’s a California thing:

New city tech workers dreaming of dining in workplace cafeterias may soon face a harsh reality — going outside.

Two city legislators on Tuesday are expected to announce legislation banning on-site workplace cafeterias in an effort to promote and support local restaurants.

The measure, proposed by Supervisor Ahsha Safai and co-sponsored by Supervisor Aaron Peskin, would adjust zoning laws to ban workplace cafeterias moving forward, but would not be retroactive.

Government is the things we do to other people who can’t fight back, together.

11 thoughts on “Food For Thought – But Not At Work

  1. When I lived in the SF Bay area in the 80’s, all the young professionals commuting to SF on BART would wear running shoes with their suits and dresses; they kept their dress shoes and heels at work.

    I thought they looked really dorky, but I guess it wasn’t as bad as the rubber boots they’re probably wearing today. Come to think of it, what else would you wear with a hazmat suit?

  2. Once again, your freedom is their enemy. They believe that your freedom is what is hindering human progress.

  3. –scene from an upcoming made-for-TV mini-series, based on real events . . .

    “Your Honor, the employer formerly operated a company cafeteria staffed by company employees who were members of the union and received union pay and benefits. By closing the cafeteria and sending employees next door to the Coffee Cup Restaurant, which is staffed by non-union employees who receive low pay and no benefits, the employer effectively undermined the cafeteria workers’ right to collective bargaining, an unfair labor practice and a violation of federal law. The fact that the local city ordinance requires it does not excuse the employer’s violation of federal law; the city ordinance is subordinate to federal law. Our motion asks this Court to find that the Coffee Cup Restaurant staff deserve the same pay and benefits as regular union employees, plus back-pay and union dues and order the employer to pay our attorney’s fees for forcing us to bring this action. We seek judgment in the amount of $1 million. Thank you, Your Honor.”

  4. Banning kitchens isn’t that far away, as SJWs have indeed started to claim that “brown bagging” is actually a racist term. Evidently a few people somewhere decided that skin darker than a paper grocery bag indicated something racial, and so we all need to abandon a term we’ve used for decades without problems because of it.

  5. The “company cafeteria” at my employer has actually been a privately owned and operated by other companies for at least 20 years now. These operators employ staff (though they’ve replaced cashiers with kiosk-ordering and payment) and the food prices aren’t subsidized. These operators are as much of a local business as the restaurants next door to headquarters.

    Surely the government doesn’t intend to start picking winners and losers, right?

  6. Company cafeterias? Who gives a rip?

    What is really important is banning POTLUCKS!!

    No one gets paid at a potluck, therefore no income or FICA taxes are collected. Nothing is sold, therefore no sales taxes are collected.

    People bring ANYTHING to a potluck, like TatterTot Hotdish. Do you know how many heart stopping calories are in that? It’s disgusting. And Milly’s six cheese salad!! Six cheeses!

    Who knows what conditions this stuff was prepared under because home kitchens are UNREGULATED!!

    Now, if we were to regulate home kitchens, control the menu to make sure it conforms to USDA guidelines, pay for labor and collect taxes, then maybe, maybe, we could consider allowing potlucks – but not until then.

  7. Greg – you failed to mention all the fees (permits is the current term for this extortion by the government) that they miss out on with potlucks. Anything brought to a potluck must now be prepared by a licensed commercial kitchen.

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