Garbage Out

There’s a meme going about – a corruption of “Godwin’s Law”, I think – that says “the first person to refer to Hitler loses”.   We’ve been through Godwin’s Law and its various permutations in the past.

But it did bring something to mind.

When I get into rhubarbs with liberals, it’s pretty much an even bet they’ll cite “data” and “sources” from ThinkProgress, a blog project of the Center for American “Progress”.

When this happens, I know (from history, no less) that the argument is over – because Think” “Progress” is in its entirety baked wind.

2 thoughts on “Garbage Out

  1. Ayep.

    For all their prate and gabble about “multi-sourcing”, it doesn’t matter if all your sources (“Think” “Progress”, Daily Kos) are baked wind.

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