Juxtapose This

11 years ago, Donald Trump says some things about women that’d have gotten my mouth washed out with soap when I was a kid.

The media and a whole lot of virtue-signalers were horrified – or feigned it.

So where were the victorian vapours over the summer?

(Language not safe for work)

Oh, I know; it’s only sexism against the right women that’s a good thing.

4 thoughts on “Juxtapose This

  1. Democrats love to make jokes about people’s skin color.

    B.O. at least twice made fun of Boehner’s skin color.

    Let me try it.

    Is it my imagination but is B.O.’s skin getting lighter? Is he going to Michael Jackson’s Dermatologist?

  2. Six minutes and just one joke worth laughing at. If only Obama was dropping that many bombs on ISIS.

  3. I’d like to think of myself ‘hip’ to what the kids and child like boomers & gen-X’rs are saying, but until Sarah Palin & Michelle Bachmann came along, I was unfamiliar with the term ‘Hatef***”. I would imagine if one were to ‘Google’ hatef***, one would many, many images for Coulter, Palin & Bachmann.
    The Democrat Party ‘owns’ the female vote just like they ‘own’ the black vote (and once owned and still kind of own black people in general). To paraphrase Ace at Ace of Spades HQ: Politically correct isn’t what one is allowed to say, it is who is allowed and is not allowed to say what.
    PS: Did you see what our Democrat Party Dominated Media Culture betters did to a participant in the undecided voter town hall debate named Ken Bone? Imagine Edward Murrow doing sub-thread searches of (God help us) Reddit for grist on some schmuck lucky enough to ask Churchill a question. And it was CNN not Buzzfeed. SMOD ’16 all the way man.

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