Everyone’s Deplorable

If you don’t vote for the Democrat party nominee “your best interests”, Democrats get just a little peevish.

Ohio seems to be swinging GOP uncharacteristically early this election, according to some polls.

…left-leaning media appears to be treating the development as sour grapes.

On Monday, one article appeared in TIME magazine and one was published by the AP, both dismissing Hillary’s need for Ohio in her campaign’s electoral college calculus. Things have “changed,” apparently…Over the weekend, the New York Times declared that Ohio is now — of course — too white and uneducated to be considered a bellwether state anymore.


Party, it’s electoral politics; if true, she’s focusing her campaign where the votes for her are.

But Berg’s Seventh Law exists for a reason; it It’s because deep down inside, for all of their jabbering about about other peoples’ bigotry and prejudice, they really really hate people who aren’t like them.

23 thoughts on “Everyone’s Deplorable

  1. PA may be another state in play for Trump. A middle of the road columnist at Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, Salena Zito, reported in late August that in her travels around the state, she saw Trump signs everywhere, even many painted on the sides of barns. If you know a farmer, you know that to paint a campaign sign on their barn without getting paid for it, is a big deal.
    She goes on to say that middle class Pennsylvanians, are afraid of losing their values and way of life.
    Couldn’t get my copy and paste to work to link to the article, but I read it on Breitbart.

  2. Aw Mitch, you confuse dislike for disapproval. I like you. I disapprove of what you write when you do a bad job of it – like promoting the mocked and discredited crap about Minneapolis being the 25th most dangerous city. I criticize you. But I like you.

    Don’t be so quick to claim pro-Trump moves in Ohio either. He has started losing, after the first debate in the most recent polls. As he should; he himself is horrible, deplorable.

    From today, from Ohio tv reports:
    “Most of the polls conducted in September showed Donald Trump with a five-point lead in Ohio, but forecasters have seen the numbers improving for Clinton in the week since the first debate. That looks to be putting her neck and neck for the state’s 18 electoral votes.”
    “The latest numbers show a razor-thin race. One forecast that compiles polls is FiveThirtyEight.com, which shows Clinton and Trump as separated by just one-tenth of a percentage point, closer than any other state.”

    Only in an alternate reality kind of world is that winning – or if you’re drugged up like Charlie Sheen.



    Or do you believe that if you have a job, it’s ok to be a white supremacist? Or religiously intolerant? Because that was Trump’s defense of the deplorables cited by Hillary – they have jobs. So what? The Winona city council candidate who posted hateful racist stuff to his FB page has a job; doesn’t change he is a racist bigot. The guy who was running in one of the suburbs north of Mpls. who had the FB page calling for the lynching of Obama after the 2008 election had a job – working for the MN GOP in the state lege. Doesn’t change he is a racist, and a deplorable, employed or unemployed. The KY candidate Dan Johnson, who ran racist photos on his FB and other social media — another guy with a job, another deplorable. Trump’s son and one of his key campaign players going on white supremacist radio – employed or not, that’s deplorable.

  3. I don’t believe PA is in play for Trump. Hillary is up double digits. And if NC continues to trend towards Hil, she wins even if Trump gets Ohio *and* Florida.

  4. What’s The Matter With Kansas. And Ohio. Pennsylvania. Florida. Weird. After eight years of Democrat rule, it’s as if there’s an enormous shift in the national mood way – from Democrats. What could account for that? Mental illness? Stupidity? Malice? Racism? Enlightened self-interest – no, wait, I already mentioned racism. I dunno, it’s a mystery, for sure.

  5. I say Trump, the worst Republican candidate in the 162 year history of the Republican party, is still in the race due to anti-PC backlash. Including the open borders policies of our rulers. And the NYT is part of what the common people dislike. That and Hillary’s entitlement attitude. Americans like the Duchess of Cornwall, but they don’t like Queen Hillary.
    Maybe people are right when they say that when Republicans nominate a smart, nice moderate, we lose.

  6. “Latest Ohio poll: Clinton up 2.”
    Does this mean Ohio is in the ‘Right Amount of White and Educated’ category again?

  7. Monmouth – I remember that name: they got busted in August for “re-weighting” responses that initially showed Trump over Clinton 41-39.

    “Clinton up by 2” sounds remarkably like the polls around here that always show the Democrats coasting in the clear until right before the election when the race mysteriously tightens up until the courts count and recount the ballots. Almost as if pollsters are less interested in accurately reflecting current opinion and more interested in trying to create an artificial bandwagon effect to influence the outcome.

  8. Frankly, I take no stock in any of the polls. After the last two election cycles, where the DemonRATs skewed their results to discourage Republicans from voting, none of them can be trusted. Hopefully, they know better this time.

  9. living rural and registered as Independent I get polled 2 or 3 times each election cycle, already twice this year, and I never fail to do an emery (= pretend I have conservative leanings then “reluctantly” support the left-most Democrat based on character).
    I like to think that I am contributing to the “Margin of Error”

  10. DG bloviating on how PJMedia is a crap, non-journalist, right-wing hate speech site in 5……..4……..3…….

  11. DG,

    Only in an alternate reality kind of world is that winning – or if you’re drugged up like Charlie Sheen.

    Only if you live in an (ahem) alternate reality would anyone think that’s what I was saying.

    Or do you believe that if you have a job, it’s ok to be a white supremacist? Or religiously intolerant?

    DG, stop being an idiot.

  12. Trump’s son and one of his key campaign players going on white supremacist radio

    Sooo….Hannity? Michael Medved? I’m sure everyone who is to the right of Insane nutbag, anger-management-deficiency-poster-child Ed Schultz is “white supremacist radio” to her.

  13. Curious.
    Leftist reprobates tell me I’m full of hate for people of different races from me, but the truth is, the people I despise are mostly the same color as me. I don’t despise them for who they are, certainly not what color their skin is, but for what they do.

    I must be doing it wrong.

  14. “white supremacist radio”
    a little over a year ago a failed south Mpls playwright opined on his FB page that that MPR was another manifestation of “white supremacist radio”, specifically he harrumphed over the lack of “authentic voices of color”.

    This did not bring the howls of outrage you might expect. Instead, this group (2k give or take) of mostly white, privileged, and very entitled members of the Mpls Art scene, relieved that someone had broken the ice, chimed in with assenting opinions.
    It got the attention of MPR and M.Coombs dropped by to find out what would keep this group of art leeches, sycophants, grant whores and trustafarians from getting too visibly spun up about MPRs failings. After a bit of back and forth it turned out that the Failed Playwright’s complaint was that the non-white talent on their broadcast staff spoke English in a manner indistinguishable from the white talent. And while everyone agreed that a descent into Ebonics would not be fruitful the Failed Playwright felt there should be some middle area in the delivery spectrum that virtue-signaled to the audience that an authentic person of color was presenting the story.
    In what can only be described as a stunning display of “privilege” the Failed Playwright was asking that on air non-white talent speak in an authentic English mesolect while the on air white talent continue speaking their English acrolect.

    you can’t make this stuff up!

  15. There are untold millions who have never voted or rarely vote and are just waiting for Nov 8 so they can race to the polls and register their disgust at media and how the jabbering jowls mock middle America.

  16. In what can only be described as a stunning display of “privilege” the Failed Playwright was asking that on air non-white talent speak in an authentic English mesolect while the on air white talent continue speaking their English acrolect.

    Golf clap…

    See, that right there is the kind of word smithing that keeps me coming back.

  17. that was exactly the Failed Playwright’s contention: that there were too few “obviously not caucasian” voices on MPR. From the thread on his Facebook posting he was clearly and consistently referring to news readers and “stories about people of color” that he felt should be read by people of color in “authentic” voices.

    But you’re right Bill it was cause & effect, the always grievance vigilant left had been complaining for years about the “whiteness” of MPR as compared to the more pure KFAI, so MPR has been actively recruiting non-whites for news gathering and news reading positions in order to mitigate any “diversity related” potential degradation to their fund raising cycle.

  18. The KY candidate Dan Johnson, who ran racist photos on his FB and other social media — another guy with a job, another deplorable.

    He posted photos of the Obamas as apes, much like many leftists did with photos of George W. Bush as a chimpanzee. Unless you can prove Johnson posted the photos because the Obamas are black, I expect you’ll be issuing a retraction. Won’t hold my breath, though.

    To borrow a page from your playbook, DG, your silence when leftists portrayed Bush as a chimp SPEAKS VOLUMES!

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