Utterly Fearless Predictions

Assange’s Infodump On Hillary will be utterly devastating – to a regular citizen.  The media will bury it, developing a sudden and utterly transient interest in storm damage in Haiti.

Black Lives Matter will be a huge force in the 2020 election, as George Soros and other plutocrats with deep pockets continue to fund it with gusto.  Unless Hillary wins.  Then, it’ll disappear from the public eye, unfunded and unmentioned in the media, by February 2017.

The continued collapse of the state health exchanges will garner more and more media publicity leading up to Hillary Clinton’s inaugural address, which will prominently feature single-payer healthcare as a national priority on the order of the New Deal or defeating Naziism.

4 thoughts on “Utterly Fearless Predictions

  1. You ever wonder why the single payer proponents talk about ‘access to medical care’ rather than ‘medical care’?
    You are about to find out.

  2. Assange’s devastating blow was nothing but a PR stunt. He had nothing. Claims he never claimed to, he was misqu

  3. Assange’s devastating blow was nothing but a PR stunt. He had nothing.

    But Guccifer 2.0 did

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