6 thoughts on “Time Off

  1. These terrorist raising, khat smoking, gang banging muzzies are here with refugee status. The filthy rat hole they came from is too dangerous to live in, so they’re here, on our dime.


    But evidently, there has been a change for the better. It’s safe to go home and hang out with their home boys for 3 months now.


    So, if we can’t send the ones already here back, at least we don’t need to take any fresh ones in anymore.


  2. And here is something I often wonder about.

    We read of outrages like this often. And we react with sometimes witty, sometimes outraged comments. Sometimes the commentary goes back and forth…we’re engaged, we invest out time to read and comment.

    But how many of us take a minute to contact someone that is responsible for the stories, or those with the authority, and responsibility to put a stop to the behaviors that offend us?

  3. To a degree, what Swiftee says. The Somalis in our state came as refugees, and a number of them are telling us by taking vacations to Somalia that they no longer qualify as refugees. Now I don’t endorse just flat out expelling them, but maybe, just maybe, ask them to pay their own way? It’s simply morally obnoxious that the taxpayer is on the hook for peoples’ vacations.

  4. Don’t get me started on Minncare patients cancelling appointments because they were too jetlagged from their vacation in Hawaii. The vacation we could never, and still cannot afford.

  5. Deplorable: you don’t just expel them because doing so would prevent the ones you want to leave from leaving, public outcry and all. Second, you don’t just do that because simply asking them to pay their own way would accomplish exactly the same thing.

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