New Frontiers In Social Justice

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

In 2013, the St. Paul YMCA instituted separate swim hours for Muslim girls so they could change into swimsuits and swim in the pool without breaking Sharia law by revealing too much skin to men.

 On April 19, 2016, the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals held that Title IX requires high schools which receive federal money to allow students to use the high school bathroom that corresponds to their gender identity instead of their biological sex.  Males can use the Female’s bathroom if they claim to be transgender – no proof required.

 Responding instantly to the shift in societal wind, Target changed its bathroom policy: shoppers can use the bathroom that aligns with their gender identity instead of their biological sex.  Target receives no federal money, it’s simply adapting to the shuffle in Liberal Victim Hierarchy: Trans trumps Woman.

 What I want to know is: how come the Y still offers separate swim hours for girls?  When will they change their policy so perverts can lurk in the locker room to watch the girls change into their swimsuits?

 How come the Y is such a bunch of haters?  Shouldn’t we organize a boycott?  No, wait, a girl-cott?  A perv-cott?  Or maybe a trans-cott? 

 Joe Doakes

We’ll have to wait until someone “identifies” as a transgendered orthodox Muslim, I suppose.

5 thoughts on “New Frontiers In Social Justice

  1. JD, why are you so coy? Your answer is right there in your own handwriting – Sharia trumps Trans. It is just a matter of time… One degree at a time…

  2. I’ve got to wonder when all of the minority groups that have been voting Democratic figure out that the left is trying to trash their lives. It’s been decades…..

  3. bb, I noted that to swiftee earlier this week. It seems like it’s gone beyond indoctrination and “progressed” to mass hypnosis.

    It says two things to me: A) the left/progs are scarily effective in societal directing, and/or 2) The minority communities as societies are scarily ineffective at independent critical thought.

  4. Not just minority communities. I remember a fun discussion I had once where I pointed out that we’re wondering why poor kids are fat when we’re providing them with several times their daily caloric need with government programs. Did not see a light going on in there….

  5. Notice how this hubbub got started, at least in government funded entities. It was a Title IX regulation, not a law.

    If you doubt that it matters who gets elected every four years, there you go.

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