Today’s Real American Hero

Missouri Democrat introduces an amendment to “prove a point” about the “absurdity” of open carry…

…and loses track of time, and is unable to withdraw the amendment.

Rep Deb Lavender (D) introduced an amendment to a bill dealing with open carry and [concealed carry permittees]. Her amendment would open the capitol building up to lawful carry of firearms for every lawful citizen rather than just for the elected officials.

I think she was about to withdraw the amendment during her closing argument when she talked her way through the 1 minute limit for her closing speech and the speaker slammed the gavel and opened the board for her amendment to be voted on.


The amendment passed with about 115 voting YES and now the proposed bill is an even stronger 2nd amendment bill because of her amendment.”

Which passed.  

6 thoughts on “Today’s Real American Hero

  1. If a high tax on firearms is supposed to keep guns out of the hands of the wrong people, who, exactly, are the wrong people?

  2. “who, exactly, are the wrong people?”

    in the multi-century long tradition of the Democrat party Hillary finds the following people to be too wrong to have guns(from most to least wrong)

    Blacks (see Dred Scott decision – it was a wake up call for the Democrats),
    Evangelical Christians,
    middle class city dwellers,
    all poor whites,
    all other Christians
    all rural people (except the very rich)
    any kind of Southerner,

    Basically only wealthy elites (like herself) should have access to guns.

  3. If a poll tax is an unconstitutional limitation of the right to vote, is not a gun tax an unconstitutional limitation on the right to bear arms? Seems to me that such a tax would be very, very difficult to uphold (although I have no doubt Kagan will jump through all the hoops necessary).

  4. Another reason to never give a penny to NPR:
    The journo-drone who wrote this probably has no idea that she is a paid propagandist of the State.
    There is no purpose to this ‘art’ other than to vilify people who believe in the constitutional right to bear arms. It is garbage. No one will look at her work voluntarily, the artist will be forgotten ten minutes after she is dead.
    Did you ever read Trotsky on the arts? It would upset the Leftists who like to think of Trotsky, who gave away half of Russia to the Germans, and who came up with the idea of mass incarceration of Russians without trial, as a ‘good’ communist.
    Trotsky said art has only one legitimate purpose: it is political, and it is to promote and glorify the Revolution. Art that does anything else is not really art. When the revolution was complete, why, you wouldn’t need art at all.

  5. If a poll tax is an unconstitutional limitation of the right to vote

    …which doesn’t exist (remember, this was discussed when the Voter ID controversy was raging a couple years ago).

    But I’m sure they’ll figure out some way to justify it.

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