Vide The Intellectual Giants Of The American Media

Jonah Goldberg:

I caught some of Morning Joe from my hotel room before I left for the airport. The caption for one discussion was “Were They Radicalized?” I keep seeing stories asking this question as if it’s some great mystery we may never get to the bottom of. The media and the Democratic party are working very, very, hard to pound the wet clay of San Bernardino into a story about runaway gun violence in America.

Just curious: What discrete piece of info are we waiting for to get a definitive answer to that question? Because I thought it might be the thousands of rounds of ammo, the remote-control-car-bombs, the decision to abandon their six-month-old daughter, the contacts with terror suspects and, oh yeah, the murder of 14 people. But hey, that’s just me.

I used to think PJ O’Rourke was being hyperbolic when he said J-school students were the ones too dumb to get into Education.

Muggeridge’s Law is in full effect, obviously.

Still, amid the japing about our dimbulb journalistic “elite”, there’s a serious issue.  The people are being actively disinformed:

Right now the media and the Democratic party are working very, very, hard to pound the wet clay of San Bernardino into a story about runaway gun violence in America. Bogus stats about there being a mass shooting on average once a day streak across the media firmament like so much St. Elmo’s Fire. The fact that gun violence has been in a decades-long decline doesn’t count for much. Poor Charlie Cooke is running around like the last artillery officer on a 19th-century British warship, trying to return fire from each cannon station.

Cook is doing his usual great job.  But he’s far from alone on the, er, gun deck.


5 thoughts on “Vide The Intellectual Giants Of The American Media

  1. The media, vanguards of leftist propaganda as always, have taken to picturing muzzies as some sort of benign, short horned grasshoppers that somehow become locusts after being “radicalized”.

    It’s bullshit, of course. They’re radicalized from birth. They adhere to a doctrine that demands action; convert the infidels or kill the ones not fit for slavery.

    Leftists have found the perfect vehicles to break the American eggs they need to make their utopian omelet.

  2. Mitch, the other day you had a post on the idea that a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged. Now we hear that St Paul teachers union is calling for things like the end of racial equity in school suspensions (basically you can’t suspend a black kid who assaults a teacher) and similar policies of the loony educrat left. It takes a few teachers getting sent to the hospital due to assaults to make them think that just maybe hard left policies don’t help schools.
    I do have sympathy for a group of teachers trying their best in a very hard situation. But at the same time….I’m guessing 95% of them voted for Barry Obama, Chris Coleman, Betty McCallum, etc. The very people who made St Paul public schools what they are today.

  3. Mark Twain knew muzzies:

    “Rags, wretchedness, poverty and dirt, those signs and symbols that indicate the presence of Moslem rule more surely than the crescent-flag itself, abound.”

    “Napoleon III, the representative of the highest modern civilization, progress, and refinement; Abdul-Aziz, the representative of a people by nature and training filthy, brutish, ignorant, unprogressive, superstitious—and a government whose Three Graces are Tyranny, Rapacity, Blood. Here in brilliant Paris, under this majestic Arch of Triumph, the First Century greets the Nineteenth!”

  4. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 12.09.15 : The Other McCain

  5. @Chuck: You may have sympathy. I have none. Let them reap what they have sewn. And, as I have repeatedly said, do whatever it takes to get your kids and grandkids out of the publik skewlz.

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