Can We Renew Our 50-Day Lease on Life?

I traveled to The Badlands in South Dakota this past week where you can literally see millions of years of earth’s history locked in a lava parfait; most of which took place without our existence, let alone our negligible impact

…and UK PM Gordon Brown, who has no scientific basis and of course no political agenda to further, says we have had 50 days to save Mother Earth.

Gordon Brown said negotiators had 50 days to save the world from global warming and break the “impasse”.

Mr Brown warned that negotiators were not reaching agreement quickly enough and said it was a “profound moment” for the world involving “momentous choice”.

“So we should never allow ourselves to lose sight of the catastrophe we face if present warming trends continue.”

Sorry, Sir. You mean cooling trends, right?

See, if I were Brown, I’d use even more syllables that that…to underscore the behemothic endangerment; the precariousness of our posterity.

What an amateur.

Meanwhile venues from Australia to here in the Twin Cities have experienced the coldest first two weeks in October on record.

HT John H

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