Only In Wisconsin

Bear walks into liquor store, falls asleep in the beer cooler:

The bear stopped Friday night at Marketplace Foods in Hayward, about 140 miles northeast of Minneapolis, sauntering through the automatic doors and heading straight for the liquor department.

It calmly climbed up 12 feet onto a shelf in the beer cooler where it sat for about an hour while employees helped evacuate customers and summoned wildlife officials.

Officials from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources tranquilized the animal and took it out of the store.

So far, it’s almost like when Pack fans come to the dome – the “getting tranquilized and led out” bit, anyway.

But there’s evidence it wasn’t a Wisconsin bear after all:

Store workers say the bear seemed content in the cooler and did not consume any alcohol.

Also didn’t curse Brett Favre.

17 thoughts on “Only In Wisconsin

  1. Probably waiting for the beer man to deliver Leinkugel’s Oktoberfest beer. Pretty good stuff.

  2. This isn’t news. A whole bunch of Bears fell asleep in Wisconsin on September 13th. It was up in Green Bay.

  3. Møøses’ noses wiped by BJØRN IRKESTØM-SLATER WALKER
    Large møøse on the left hand side of the screen
    in the third scene from the end, given a thorough
    grounding in Latin, French and “O” Level
    Geography by BO BENN
    Suggestive poses for the Møøse suggested by VIC ROTTER
    Antler-care by LIV THATCHER

  4. A bunch of Monty Python and the Holy Grail fans found it.

    Move along. I’ll take care of them.

    (Pulls Pin)

    One…two…five – er, three…

  5. Oh, what sad times are these when passing ruffians can highjack a thread at will. There is a pestilence upon this land, nothing is sacred. Even those who arrange and design shrubberies are under considerable economic stress at this period in history.

  6. King Arthur and his less-than-valiant knights retreat from a vicious man-killing bunny rabbit. As they try to formulate a strategy, Sir Robin the Chicken Hearted, who has already soiled his armor in fear, suggests, “Would it help to confuse it if we run away more?” Arthur replies by telling him, “Oh, shut up and go and change your armor.”

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