Noted For Posterity

I’m pretty much live-and-let-live when it comes to other peoples’ spiritual choices.  I figure people are adults, and can figure out what matters – or for that matter does not matter – in their own lives on their own.

Which isn’t to say that I don’t think some Westerners who adopt some radically non-Western forms of spirituality aren’t doing it to get back at Mom and Dad – but again, that’s just me being catty.  In some cases.

Which I say to separate myself from those who will get their yuks over this story; a Minneapolis woman has died in a Native American sweat lodge ceremony-gone-bad:

An Arizona homicide investigation now includes three deaths after a woman died more than a week after participating in a sweat lodge ceremony that hospitalized nearly two dozen people.

Liz Neuman of Minnesota died Saturday at a Flagstaff hospital, Yavapai County sheriff’s spokesman Dwight D’Evelyn said.

The 49-year-old suffered multiple organ damage during the Oct. 8 ceremony at a resort near Sedona, a resort town 115 miles north of Phoenix that draws many in the New Age spiritual movement.

Which is awful, and I do direct any prayers, wishes or imprecations your particular worldview call for to Ms. Neuman’s survivors.

And by all means, pick your own spiritual path.  But I just want to point out…:

Ray [the organizer of the fateful retreat] had rented the Angel Valley Retreat Center for his five-day “Spiritual Warrior” event that culminated in the sweat lodge ceremony. Participants paid between $9,000 and $10,000 to attend the retreat.

…that you don’t see Presbyterians charging $10K for this sort of thing.

Or at least, they won’t pay it…

12 thoughts on “Noted For Posterity

  1. Remember our old buddy Doug? He was big on sweat lodges and American Indian religion. Haven’t heard from him in a while. Makes me wonder…

  2. being an ex-Catholic and current non-denominational christian I can safely say that neither of them would have done anything close to that. Kerm which Doug? Gay Doug or regular Doug?

  3. A bit pricier, but perhaps no less dangerous than overdoing a good hot steamy sauna?
    Or a really really hot Japanese style bath? Or a dip in the hotter of the naturally
    occurring hot springs?

    I wonder if it will turn out this woman had some pre-existing condition that had been
    undetected before she succombed?

    Unfortunaely, this kind of thing smacks more of a fool being parted from their money, and
    in this case, their money and their life.

    People do things that are dangerous all the time – climbing mountains, white water
    rafting, etc. with the idea that they achieve new spiritual territory by pushing their
    personal envelope. Prayers for the woman’s family and friends, and my sincere condolences
    to them on their loss.

    It would be crass of me to speculate if there was a refund forthcoming, so I won’t.
    (written tongue in cheek)

    Even ore tongue in cheek, I’m guessing they aren’t going for cremation……
    sorry, I’m just in a really really whimsical mood. The preceding was tasteless,
    insensitive, and I was wicked for writing it – my apologies.

  4. I almost wonder if there was something added to the water in the steam bath that was intended by someone with nefarious interests to be inhaled by the sauna users…

  5. Or is the problem simply related to the idea that if you sweat enough, you’re going to find enlightenment…..and this women simply spent too much time at whatever temperature you keep a sweat lodge? Kinda like the Vikings lineman who died of heatstroke in training camp….

  6. Or the lady who died “holding your wee for Wii” in a radio contest. Doggie is right, people do stupid things. Like voting for Al Franken.

  7. I thought I heard a report that after a week she succumbed due to massive organ shutdown. And that although 3 have died many got very-very sick. That has me guessing something really toxic in there.

  8. My understanding is the participants fasted without water for 36 hrs before the sweat lodge. That combined with high temps and humidity will quickly put your body into the danger zone. Dehydrated and overheated will give a spiritual high or expressed medically you can hallucinate.

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