Tick Tick Tick Boom

It’s not exactly what The White House said:

White House: ‘War on terrorism’ is over

…but it is the headline that Americans (and GOP strategists) will remember when the next terrorist attack occurs, here or abroad.

“The President does not describe this as a ‘war on terrorism,'” said John Brennan, head of the White House homeland security office, who outlined a “new way of seeing” the fight against terrorism.

So its not the end of the war, just the end of calling it a war…on terrorism.

Are we trading in semantics here, or are these people really that effected by Academentia®?

What a beautiful setup for a campaign slogan – for the other guys: “Remember back in 2009 when the Obama administration said the War on Terrorism is over?”

I shan’t be surprised.

After all, this is an era when borrowing more money to fix a crisis caused by excessive borrowing can be called a “Stimulus Package” and where Success!!! is declared in the wake of a mismanaged program, using yet more borrowed monies to subsidize the purchase of new cars, mostly foreign, for rather marginal improvements in economy and emissions.

Mr. Brennan’s speech was aimed at outlining ways in which the Obama administration intends to undermine the “upstream” factors that create an environment in which terrorists are bred.

Translation: We intend to give them free health care.

As for the “war on terrorism,” Mr. Brennan said the administration is not going to say that “because ‘terrorism’ is but a tactic — a means to an end, which in al Qaedas case is global domination by an Islamic caliphate.”

“You can never fully defeat a tactic like terrorism any more than you can defeat the tactic of war itself,” Mr. Brennan said.

…and yet we can “defeat” the equally abstruse Global Climate Change?

*Title courtesy of The Hives

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