This Will Be The Year That Was

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you know I have a thing for biting off big, long-form projects – multipart series that take months, even years, to get through.  My “Twenty Years Ago Today” series, which is currently somewhere north of 110 episodes, is just the most egregious example.

Blogs are an addiction, and the monkey’s been pummeling me for a long time.

Most telling part?  If Roosh, Doug and I got hit by a bus tomorrow, there’d be material popping up periodically on this blog – stuff I’ve already written – until sometime well into 2012. 

At the moment, it’s mostly a few series that I’ve actually been writing for a long, long time.

  1. We’re coming up on the seventieth anniversary of World War II.  Indeed, we’re four weeks away from the anniversary of the invasion of Poland, which made it all official.  I have a long series of posts about the invasions of each of the nations that started out the war – Poland, Norway, Denmark, the Low Countries and finally France – and the historical myths about each of them.  The stuff fascinates me – which is, indeed, all that matters, although if it fascinates you, that’s fine, too.
  2. We’re close to the thirtieth anniversary of one of the most amazing periods of music in western pop music history.  I’ll be commemorating the thirtieth anniversaries of a couple dozen albums that set off the entire era. 
  3. And – late-breaking news, here – I got wrapped up the other night in thinking about how much mainstream music from the seventies, which I hated hated hated when I was a kid, that I’m listening to now and thinking “dang, it wasn’t that bad”.  I might hit that one pretty quick, here, once a week or so, kinda like my “Stuff I Am Supposed To Love/Hate, but Can’t Stand/Love” series.

And the kicker is, both of those series are largely already written. 

Now, if only I had something stacked for tomorrow, already, so I could sleep in…

3 thoughts on “This Will Be The Year That Was

  1. I got wrapped up the other night in thinking about how much mainstream music from the seventies, which I hated hated hated when I was a kid, that I’m listening to now and thinking “dang, it wasn’t that bad”.

    It’s Hall & Oats – isn’t it…

    Or, Bread.

    David Cassidy?

    Paul Williams?

    Paul Lynde Covers Disco Classics?

  2. Starland Vocal Band
    Bo Donaldson & the Heywoods
    David Geddes
    Hamilton Joe Frank & Reynolds
    Mouth & McNeil
    Jimmy Castor Bunch
    Blue Swede
    Terry Jacks

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