An Appeal For Honesty

Some of my fringe-libertarian, as well as “progressive”, friends are fond of chanting “Anti-Zionism isn’t Antisemitism”.

Give to the “National Metaphor Society”.  Because a mind that stops developing its metaphorical facility in fourth grade is a mind the world doesn’t need to have unleashed on it.

That’s a little like saying “I endorse the policies that involved the destruction of Native American culture, the near-extinction of their people and the carving of their conquerors’ chiefs’ faces into their holiest piece of real estate – but I sure *admired* the Lakota”.

11 thoughts on “An Appeal For Honesty

  1. The Lakota took the Black Hills from the Arapaho through force of arms. Does that make it a military shrine?

  2. Why don’t the Democrats celebrate May 28 1830 when Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act into law? A law that specifically stripped the “Five Civilized Tribes” of all property rights east of the Mississippi.This was a law specifically requested by President Jackson in a speech in 1829. Jackson did not subscribe to the notion of Native American sovereignty and opposed entering into treaties with them.
    But as any good Democrat will tell you Democrats have always been supportive of native people’s rights (except when they want their property).

  3. Zionism became popular among European Jews as a reaction to 19th century anti-semitism. To be anti-zionist is to believe that the Jews, as a people, will never be threatened by their non-Jewish countrymen. This is an interesting take on history.

  4. UC-Davis just voted to boycott the Jewish state, and not do business with any companies that do business with the Jewish state. And only the Jewish state was singled out for this. As Jewish students walked out of the meeting, anti-Israel students yelled anti-Semitic chants towards them.

    But this isn’t racist/anti-Semitic, is it?

  5. As Clarence Thomas said, the worst racists he has encountered have been northern liberals. It’s amazing how things have changed in 60 years. Southern univesities are very open and tolerant, while places like UC-Davis, UW-Madison, Vasser, and many many others are fun by ignorant bigots.

  6. Pingback: In The Mailbox, 02.05.15 : The Other McCain

  7. It strikes me that the student senate ought to have to do their work without any Jewish sponsors or partners. Given the disproportionate role Jews play in the academy, that could be a brilliant wake-up call.

  8. Chuck;

    Clarence Thomas addressed only half of the equation, because I have learned over time, that 99% of liberals are the worst type of racists. They practice it covertly!

  9. Hmmm… American Indians are thought by some to be one of the lost tribes of Israel. Coincidence? Think Not!

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