Unviable Mass

No wonder the libs want the “Fairness” doctrine; the market is rejecting their material like badly-matched transplant organs.

Nova M – Sheldon Drobny’s second attempt at a LibTalk network after Air America’s initial meltdown – has coded, taking Randee Rhodes and Mike Malloy with it:

Randi Rhodes’ on-air home for less than a year will shut its doors. In an email message of February 17th from counsel for Nova M Radio, Inc. to Randi’s entertainment attorney, Robert V. Gaulin, the company is said to have been advised to file for bankruptcy protection next week. All payroll deposits were reversed on Tuesday, leaving Nova’s employees unpaid for the past two weeks.On Sunday, Nova received a letter from Mr. Gaulin asserting that the contract with Ms. Rhodes was terminated due to material breaches and other reasons. Ms. Rhodes had not broadcast for over a week prior to this time, a situation which was diplomatically referred to as a “problem” that was solely within Nova’s control to solve. A few days earlier, Sheldon Drobny, founder of Nova M, and a co-founder of Air America Radio, attempted suicide and is hospitalized in Chicago.

The only thing lower than Nova’s revenue numbers were its audience.  Nova M was, if anything, a more vacuous flop than Air America.

To add insult to injury?  Brian Maloney reports (in the same story linked above) that Randee Rhodes’ “flagship” station, WJON in Palm Beach, has tubed her.

For Sean Hannity.

So long, Nova M.

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