You Can Grow Your Beard Back Now

Oops. Richardson is out.

WASHINGTON — Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico, President-elect Barack Obama’s choice for commerce secretary, withdrew from consideration for that job on Sunday, saying a pending investigation into whether his administration gave lucrative contracts to a political donor would have “forced an untenable delay” in his confirmation.

…and said his administration had “acted properly in all matters.” But he said he had concluded that the inquiry could last weeks or even months, drawing out his confirmation hearings and distracting the new administration as it grappled with the economic crisis.

Maybe he just wasn’t interested in the grappling.

It’s okay. He, like Obama, wasn’t qualified any way. He’s been a politician since he graduated from college. Commerce? He’s done none.

The investigation concerns CDR Financial Products Inc., a Beverly Hills, Calif., company that in 2004 was awarded two consulting contracts worth about $1.4 million to advise the State of New Mexico on a large bond issue for building infrastructure, one of Mr. Richardson’s initiatives. The company’s president, David Rubin, a major Democratic contributor, gave about $100,000 to two political action committees controlled by Mr. Richardson, as well as $10,000 to his re-election campaign in 2005, according to published reports.

Oh, well other than that transaction. Sounds like commerce.


The announcement, just days before the Senate is to begin confirmation hearings for some of Mr. Obama’s cabinet selections, was a setback for the president-elect, who has assembled his cabinet in near-record time. It raises questions about the thoroughness of Mr. Richardson’s vetting, deprives the Obama administration of a prominent Hispanic — Mr. Obama has, however, named two other Latinos, Representative Hilda L. Solis of California and Senator Ken Salazar of Colorado, to cabinet posts — and leaves a hole in the new White House economics team at a critical juncture.

Whatever happened to just picking the most qualified candidate for each position, whether they are Women, Men, Black, Red, White or Blue; Catholic or Jew; Pet Lover or Snappy Dresser?

Would America – no, not the media – the average American, actually give a rodent’s rear end? Are there teams? Are we all making sure we each get our guy (gal) in Obama’s cabinet? If so, then I’m pissed because I’ve heard no mention of an Irish-Italian making the cut.

We didn’t pick our President that way.

…or did we?

By the way, is Snappy Dresser still considered a protected class?

5 thoughts on “You Can Grow Your Beard Back Now

  1. A couple of years ago, I was working a job in Mexico with Hilda Solis’s sister Anna, who is (or was…I suppose she’ll join Hilda in DC now) an engineer with ICA Fluor.

    Anna was a rabid supporter of Marxist scumbag Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who at the time was attempting to blackmail his way into the office of the President.

    I was having a really good conversation with a couple of guys that supported Obrador at lunch one day, explaining to them that if Obrador was elected, large foreign investments that brought the job we were working on would dry up. I think they were really getting the message, and we were getting on pretty well.

    After lunch, Solis confronted me, and said she didn’t think I had any right to stick my big American nose in Mexican politics. I responded that I saw it as every decent persons duty to do what ever they could to squash Communist cockroaches where ever they found them.

    I guess you could say we agreed to disagree…*snicker*

  2. BTW.

    Do you think that all of these investigations and indictments of Democrat politicians is going to slow down the impeachment proceedings against Bushitler & Cheney? I mean, are we going to still be listening to the party of Scrubs whine four years from now about George W. Bush?


  3. I mean, are we going to still be listening to the party of Scrubs whine four years from now about George W. Bush?

    You’re kidding, right? Everything that fails will be blamed on the condition Shrub left it in, including the toilet seat that was left up in the Oval Office bathroom.

  4. angryclown said:

    “Sucks to be a loser, doesn’t it nerd?”

    I would ask angryclown that question if I wanted an authoritative answer. 🙂

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