Stand Back

I’m going to be sick.

I just read Nick Coleman’s snarky satire on Zygi’s recent offer to the good people of Minnesota: Vikings Stadium As Economic Stimulus.

Minnesota is in trouble, with a $5 billion deficit staring us in the face and more red ink to follow. We can’t cut our way out of budget problems like that. We have to spend our way out. That’s where Zygi comes in. Thanks to Zygi, we are almost out of trouble already.

Billion dollar football stadium? What are you talking about? That ain’t no stadium. That’s a public works project.

…and I agree.

I’m going to go lay down now.

6 thoughts on “Stand Back

  1. “We can’t cut our way out of budget problems like that. We have to spend our way out.”

    Most retarded statement ever.

    I wonder if he has ever ‘spent his way out of economic trouble’. If so, maybe he could write about that experience.

  2. “We can’t cut our way out of budget problems like that. We have to spend our way out.”

    You will search in vain for a liberal to ever suggest cutting overall spending is a means to get out of “budget problems like that”.

  3. Oh, I know. You agreed that it is a public works project, correct? I agree to that also.

    Sorry for the mass of confusion. It is my writing “style”. 😉

  4. You know that Nickolai should already know that you can’t spend your way to prosperity. When he and the now Mrs. Colemanoffski (nee Billings) set up house keeping with the new younguns, and Mrs. Colemanoffski lost her newspaper gig (and income presumably). I don’t guess that Nickolai increased family spending to make up for the difference. But thinking again, maybe that is just something that Nickolai might do.

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