Line Of The Day

Here’s my favorite:

In today’s American culture, if you aren’t being constantly validated, you’re being persecuted.

It’s among the conclusions of Nancy French’s piece reviewing the Time article about the growing wave of “child-free” people  – who, finding that our society values children, are finding themselves less-validated and, ergo, persecuted. 

(“Child-Free” is as opposed to “Childless”; childless means “can’t have kids, or just haven’t found the right person, time and situation to try”, while “child-free” means “choose to avoid having your life center around something other than yourself…”

Oops.  Now I’m persecuting.

3 thoughts on “Line Of The Day

  1. … ‘while “child-free” means “choose to avoid having your life center around something other than yourself…”‘

    Mitch, try to at least entertain the possibility that some of us recognize that we’d be shitty parents and/or produce seriously defective kidz. I apologize to no one for failing to produce the next Jeffrey Dahmer, or Hillary Clinton, for that matter.

  2. Pingback: LIVE AT FIVE: 08.27.13 : The Other McCain

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