The New Enemies List

It’s becoming clear that the Obama Administration is using government agencies as political cudgels.

Although the Sorosphere has been strenuously chanting that the IRS scandal is no big thing, the “acting director” became the first scapegoat of the “non-scandal” yesterday.  And it looks like there just might be a gap in the “two rogue employees” dodge; according to a Cincinnati TV station, it may be four employees.  And (with emphasis added)…:

One of FOX19’s two sources went on say that these four IRS workers claim “they simply did what their bosses ordered.” FOX19 reported on Tuesday that the report by the Office of Inspector General states that senior IRS officials knew agents were targeting Tea Party groups as early as 2011.

In fact, according to that report, Lois Lerner, who heads the IRS division that oversees tax exempt organizations, was told on June 29, 2011 that groups with ‘Tea Party’, ‘Patriot’ or ‘9/12 Project’ in their names were being flagged for additional, and often burdensome, scrutiny.

At least one local group, the Minnesota Majority, is reporting that it’s received the same treatment that other Tea Party related groups complained about .

More on that hopefully this weekend.

Wouldn’t it be ironic if the the main legacy of the Obama Administration was the turning of the Federal Government into a racket to put some meat into the Democrats’ Alinskiite campaign to destroy the right?

OK, “Irony” isn’t the world I’m looking for.

How about “No Surprise At All?”

6 thoughts on “The New Enemies List

  1. Mitch one question that I will like you ask to those liberal friends you keep running into:

    “If President Obama has said that this was totally wrong then it was just as wrong that any US Senator should’ve applied any pressure on the IRS to do this so shouldn’t Al Franken and a bunch of other Democrat Senators should immediately resign since they have more to do with this then the acting commissioner?”

    Walter Hanson
    Minneapolis, MN

  2. Gotta love the Nuremberg defense “we were just following orders.” I’m usually against blaming the underlings, but anyone with a white collar job ought to know that kind of thing is wrong. Demote them, fire their bosses, prosecute the ringleaders.

    Walter, your idea presumes shame on the part of the participants. I’m not sure that is a valid presumption. :^)

  3. These scandals really have the lefties worried. To get a feel for the panic that is slowly building (and to observe some world-class babbling), you should read the comments on the WaPo.

  4. Will MSM in Minnesota ask Crazy Al Franken if this is what he wanted when he signed a letter demanding that the IRS give extra attention to tax exempt organizations?

  5. Franken will probably use the same excuse he constructed to explain why his signature was on legal doc’s pertaining to AirScamerica’s fleecing of a children’s charity. “I didn’t read it, just signed it.”

  6. Of course, we shouldn’t forget that his excellency said that the guy whom he supposedly asked for his resignation, in a failed effort to look like he was doing something about the IRS scandal, was leaving in June anyway! But, he gets to stay on until June! Pathetic.
    I think that the IRS and the EPA should target puppy mills!

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