What If They Declared A “War On Women”…

…and lost?

Women are defecting from Obama in the swing states, according to USA Today/Gallup:

And don’t sweat the non-battleground numbers, Real Americans; they include California, New York, Massachusetts and other states that are definitely not battlegrounds…

Losing a “War on Women” – and by losing, we mean “having it shown to be a febrile propaganda cookie that women shunned in droves” – may be among the best things that could happen to American society.

Follow-up quiz:  In the wake of this polling, will the Obama Administration’s attempts to scare The LIttle Ladies back into compliance with The Party be:

A:  Desperate
B: Very Very Desperate
C: Pathetically Desperate
D: Overdrive/maximum overboost/Baghdad Bob-level desperate?

(And for all you history buffs – if the Dems lose the “War on Women”, does that make the Sandra Fluke kerfuffle sort of a Gleiwitz Incident?)

7 thoughts on “What If They Declared A “War On Women”…

  1. Well Mitch, the “war on women” was never anything more


    So really, how massive a scumbag *is* Mikel Brodkorb, anyway?

    WE now return you to the screed already in progress.

    …for the last decade. That’s how I see it.

  2. Women are nurturers and aren’t as suspicious of people as we oafish guys. They’re willing to cut a guy some slack because his intentions appear true. However, once they find out the intentions are selfish, we see the side of women that force many men to live in the woods with a dog and a gun.

    Hell hath no fury…

  3. In related news, anyone worried about the “giant sucking sound” that is America’s economy and debt is worried about Obama. Hence, Ross Perot endorsing Romney, too. With Perot and Lohan on our side can we lose? 😉 I guess putting food on the table is becoming issue #1 with folks.

  4. Yea, nerdbert, one of the biggest liberats that I know, besides my wife, expressed his total frustration and displeasure with the Black Messiah and declared that he, his wife and his kids (who, incidentally, are working at Starbucks and Macy’s respectively because even with their degrees, they can’t find jobs in their career area) would be voting for Romney.

  5. Wait a minute….I thought all you gals worried about was getting your birth control pills paid for by someone else, and getting free abortions. As long as you can spend time on your back with no consequences, that is the guy you want for President.

  6. Tuned into Glenn Beck today, and he replayed this famous Obama recoreding:

    “I don’t want my girls to get punished by a mistake if they get pregnent. Or get an STD at age 16”.

    Barry sounds like the white trash 18 year old boy trying to get laid.

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