Here’s A Quick Poll

If I were to suggest a pseudo-MOB event , hypothetically, to get together at the Mai Village one of these next evenings – partly to support a business that is beleaguered by the Met Council’s Toy Train, partly to protest the Met Council, partly because Vietnamese food really rocks and has gotten criminally short shrift since Thai became the hip Asian cuisine – what would be better…:

  • Thursday night
  • Saturday night
  • Sunday night

Nothing super formal; just thinking about doing an informal “Hey, let’s do this” kind of thing.

(And wishing I’d done it for my good friends at the late, great Caribe Bistro while there was still time…)

Please sound off in the comments.

7 thoughts on “Here’s A Quick Poll

  1. Joe,

    I think that’s the general gist…


    If you take the article at its word, all of ’em.

  2. Awful. 🙁

    I’ll try to make it, whatever the day, but I will also try to get there for lunch this week as well.

  3. Thursday’s probably the best bet, though I have a recurring commitment every other Thursday night. We will also be out of town the first two Thursdays of October.

  4. This Thursday (tomorrow) or Saturday works for me. Mai Village is great.

    BTW, I see an analogy between what the urban planners’ I-94 routing did to Rondo and what the Metro Council’s LRT is doing to the minority business community along University Ave. But worry not, the Statists will mourn it after they bury it. (Insert here what the South Park boys say after “They killed Kenny.”)

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