
Obama’s support is crumbing – among Tea Partiers Liberals:

The Post-ABC poll found that the number of liberal Democrats who strongly support Obama’s record on jobs plunged 22 points from 53 percent last year to 31 percent. The number of African Americans who believe the president’s actions have helped the economy has dropped from 77 percent in October to just over half of those surveyed.

As longtime friend of this blog Duke Powell tweeted this morning:

Forget who the GOP Presidential Candidate will be…. Who will the Democrats run? #p2 #stribpol

I’d love to see Pelosi run…

UPDATE: Let’s be clear here; I think Obama is going to be hard to beat in 2012. Lots can go right, as well as wrong, between now and then.  Let’s never forget that incumbency counts for a lot.  Indeed, if Obama doesn’t win re-election by at least five points, and if the Dems don’t retake the House and extend their lead by five seats in the Senate, they should take it as another grievous drubbing.

Just saying – he can’t be happy with the news.

11 thoughts on “Crumble

  1. Obama will be reelected. This country has a masochistic streak a mile wide. Never forget, 50% of the population has below average intelligence. Add the angryclowns and Dog Gones to that group and you can see the obvious deficiency in democratic governance.
    “I see stupid people. They’re walking around and they don’t even know they’re stupid.”

  2. I wouldn’t be so sure that Obama will be re-elected, Kermit.
    Absent an economic miracle (which no one expects), his 2008 numbers were his high water mark. It’s possible that the GOP will nominate a person who is not electable, but if you look at who the Republicans actually nominated for the presidency over the last half-century, the only unelectable candidate was Goldwater back in ’64. Other than that, the nominees who have lost have all been centrists: Ford, Bush I, Dole, McCain.

  3. I hope you’re right, Terry. But I’ve been watching this circus for a long time, and my instincts are usually pretty damn good. I called Obama in December 2007. Never overestimate the electorate.

  4. One of the reasons it will always be really hard for the Republicans to make much headway with the Black and Hispanic crowd….I recently went out for cocktails with some people I know. One Mexican born but long-time American citizen was there. He is a successful businessman. I assumed he leaned Republican. He said he always votes Democrat because he has always worked the affirmative action angle to get free stuff ever since coming here. Including partially free college (at a private school). He said his only regret is that he is not a woman. Hispanic women get even more freebies that he does.

    How do you tell someone that they should be a Republican and work for everything instead of playing the race card and just getting things handed to you. And for the record, this guy is smart and would have no problem being successful without handouts.

  5. The hard left will vote for him anyway when it comes to November 2012. But a strong primiry challenger usually means the incumbant is weak and may be volunarble (think Carter in 1980 and Bush in 1992).

  6. Chuck,

    I understand the sensitivity of your situation, but I still would have chastised him and quite frankly, not only would I not patronize his business, I would spread the word, as well. I can’t stand people like that. Besides that, because he’s already using the race card, he still gets the freebies, even if he votes GOP.

    On another note, I know several true Independents (I know that they are genuine Indies because they recognized that Horner was a blatant liar) and they have turned radically right. They see Obumbler as the narcissistic, America hating commie that he is. My point is this; if enough true Indies turn against the Dims, even a halfway decent, tre conservative GOP candidate should do well.

  7. Seflores;

    Like MN did, the State of VA screwed the majority of our fighting men and women in the last cycle by sending out the absentee ballots late and then not accepting them when they came back, conveniently “too late.” Most of the Pentagon top brass are Obumbler sycophants because they don’t want to give up their cushy jobs, so I think that we’ll see much of a change in the 2012 cycle.

  8. In his column today,, the Krugster endorses a 3rd party run spearheaded by something called “Americans Elect”. You get the full Krugman in this piece.
    The “Americans Elect” organization, according to Krugman, will sweep aside the special interests who control the D’s and R’s by holding their nominating convention on the interwebs.
    Who are the non-partisans behind “Americans Elect”? It’s run by a fellow named Khalil Byrd, who was Deval Patrick’s campaign manager. Krugman tells us that “Americans Elect” is backed by “serious hedge-fund money”, and has its HQ “A stone’s throw from the Whitehouse”. The “serious hedge-fund money” that backs the group was apparently provided by Peter Ackerman (his son is “Americans Elect” Chief Operating Officer). The elder Ackerman is a hedge fund millionaire. who once directed overseas investments for Drexel Burnham Lambert. Ackerman’s own firm, Rockport Capital, is heavily invested in windfarms.
    You ever get the idea that Krugman does not know what the words “special interest” mean?
    Herr Doktor-Professor Krugman wone the Nobel Prize for Economics in 2008.

  9. Yeah, Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize for not being George Bush. He’s now bombing Libya. You have to kill them to save them.

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