
ABC/WaPo poll shows Romney in a dead heat with Obama:

New Post-ABC numbers show Obama leading five of six potential Republican presidential rivals tested in the poll. But he is in a dead heat with former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, who formally announced his 2012 candidacy last week, making jobs and the economy the central issues in his campaign.

Among all Americans, Obama and Romney are knotted at 47 percent each, and among registered voters, the former governor is numerically ahead, 49 percent to 46 percent.

As with all leftymedia polls, the results need to be scrutinized; the mainstream media will always try to build up the GOP contender they think they can either beat outright, or effectively marginalize (see McCain).   Romney is weak among the conservative base…

…although pressure from the likes of Gingrich, Palin and Bachmann in the primary chase can only help that.  And given my belief that “perfect is the enemy of good enough”, I think a Romney that’d had to move hard to the right, a la Pawlenty in 2002, would be a huge step up from what we have.

This bit – the one in bold – puzzles me:

In another indicator of rapidly shifting views on economic issues, 45 percent trust congressional Republicans over the president when it comes to dealing with the economy, an 11-point improvement for the GOP since March. Still, nearly as many, 42 percent, side with Obama on this issue.

Who are these people? And do they read the news…

…oh, yeah.  Never mind.

10 thoughts on “Touchable

  1. Who are these people? And do they read the news…

    I honestly think that if Obama handed down a presidential edict suspending elections in 2012, and by executive order, did away with presidential term limts, placed our country under martial law, formed “community organizations” who worked in conjunction with the police and national guard to collect ALL firearms, raised taxes, etc etc, there would STILL be 35% of this country who would support him while he turned our country into a colder Cuba.

    (yes , I realize that none of this is possible THANKS TO THE FOUNDERS AND THE CONSTITUTION…I’m making a hypothetical here)

  2. “As with all leftymedia polls, the results need to be scrutinized; the mainstream media will always try to build up the GOP contender they think they can either beat outright, or effectively marginalize (see McCain). Romney is weak among the conservative base…”

    Romney isn’t going to win the nomination, he should spend his money supporting a candidate that can.

  3. Kermit, I’m inclined to agree with your take.

    Romney recently sort of acknowledged gloBULL warming and catered to potential lefty fence sitters by stating that he thought it was important to mitigate the effects of man as much as we can; or something along those lines.

    It would do my heart good though to pick up all of those lefty environuts, and Romney gets in the White House. He then pulls an Obumbler and says “just kidding!”

  4. I wonder why he believes in AGW? It can’t be that he trusts the scientists. They would tell him that his religion, its miracles of revelation and its prophets are frauds.
    If he does not know that the immense price advantage of fossil fuels over the alternatives means that it will all be taken from the Earth and burned, every lump of coal and every drop of oil, he cannot be much of a businessman.
    I will not say that I will not vote for the man if he is the nominee. I can’t see him generating any more voter than McCain, though.

  5. Terry, Mitt is a politician. He’s going to cover all of his bases. Pawlenty signed on for the AGW scam too, but has recanted that position. I’m with Boss. If he gets in office, he can tell the enviro-whackos to go pound sand. In an environmentally friendly way, of course. And don’t hurt any sand fleas.

  6. In the early years of the Bush administration W expressed some criticism of AGW theory and got shut down pretty quickly. A few years later he signed the moronic ban on incandescents.
    The elites of both parties like the idea of policy based on AGW because it empowers the government at the expense of the people.

  7. Yeah W tried to reform Social Security because it’s a flawed system that’s unsustainable. How did that work out?

  8. Kermit may well be right that I’m premature, but I think there’s going to be a tide of conservatism as we get closer to the election. I think that’s a reason why the likes of Palin, Bachmann, ond others who come off as more conservative are inkling about getting into the race. I’m happy about that, not that they will necessarily win, but that they’ll shape the message and drive the debate going forward. T-Paw, Newt, Romney, (and others) have the skeleton of AGW support, or ethanol/alt fuel subsidies, etc., in their closets. They’ve got some real explaining to do. Please God no more RINO’s.

  9. I realize that Limbaugh is not the Republican Pope, but he seems to think that Romney is an unacceptable candidate. It’s hard for me to imagine the majority of GOP primary voters embracing Romney if Rush were to continue ride this hard, and if Palin were to enter the race with his enthusiastic support.

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