To Know Me Is To Vote For Me

This morning, commenter Angryclown noted in my piece on  my travels:

 Respectively, Mitch’s imagined Berg for America 2008 electoral map and the nations that would continue to have diplomatic relations with the U.S. under a Berg administration.

So I thought – I do tend to make a decent first impression on people.  So let’s say that that first impression COULD be turned into electoral gold; that if I run for president, every state I’ve ever visited would fall for my charms and give me an electoral plurality. 

I counted ’em up:

Mitch: 315

Non-Mitch: 223

I think the GOP’s choice is clear.

(Or, if we don’t count Nebraska, which I merely drove through, you can transfer five points.  But I think the ‘huskers are pretty sharp people, so let’s not go crazy here…)

20 thoughts on “To Know Me Is To Vote For Me

  1. I’m only missing three states, so you better hope I don’t run against you in the primaries.

  2. 519 for buzz/19 against.
    I hope some of those three states Master of None is missing are big ones.

    I am missing Alaska, Hawaii, Maine, New Hampshire and Rhode Island.

  3. 533 for MON/16 against — Hawaii, Mississippi, Arkansas (one of the few advantages to being raised an Air Force brat)

  4. I’m willing to vote against angryclown, even though he’s been here.

    I think I could convince other Minnesotans to do the same, considering what angryclown has said about them. 🙂

  5. 535 for/3 against. I’m missing Alaska, so I’m not too worried if it comes to this.

    (I’ve lived in the corners of the country driven by working for a large multinational too long and love to camp, hike, and canoe, so there’s not too many states I haven’t visited.)

  6. I’ve been to all but:

    No Dak
    So Carolina
    No Carolina
    New Hampshire
    West Virginia

    I’m thinking that I make at least a positive first impression as Mitch – so the count would be something like –
    Peev – 400
    Berg – 135

    Though Nerdbert would kick my butt – ah well.

    Been to AK, Hawaii – Army training for the first, 20th anniversary for the last.

  7. Mitch: Peev, are you telling me you did army training in Alaska?

    Peev: That’s a fact, jack!

  8. I’ve never said a word against Minnesotans, Trojan Man. Wingnuts excepted, they’re good, simple folk with only slightly hilarious accents.

  9. Thanks for the recommendation, Badda. Might have been fun.

    I can’t remember why I never continued with war games – musta picked up some other activity.

    Oh, that’s right. Intercourse.

    Yeah, once Angryclown discovered intercourse, the idea of hanging out with a buncha dudes in a basement with a bag of chips and a board game was never all that appealing again.

  10. Better Minnesotan, than from Brooklyn, or worse, the Bronx.

    Actually, accents are just about the most fun a linguistix geek like me can have.

    My senior project – determine the difference in accent, dialect and vocabulary between Minnesota and the Dakotas. Yes, there is one – as blaring as the difference between Brooklyn and the Bronx, if you listen for it.

    In my mind, you sound exactly like Hubert Humphrey, Peev.

    He’s got more of a Christopher Walken thing going on.

  11. “I’m thinking that I make at least a positive first impression as Mitch”

    Yeah, I think EVERYONE here would agree with that.


  12. Yeah, once Angryclown discovered intercourse, the idea of hanging out with a buncha dudes in a basement with a bag of chips and a board game was never all that appealing again.

    Was discovery with males or females?

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