Fight The Power

Google has yanked a bunch of ads critical of “MoveOn.Org”, because the ads – according to Google – violated the copyright (of a logo that MoveOn otherwise works hard to propagate throughout the entire world at every opportunity – like most public organizations do with their logos).

Foot has had about enough of the double standard, and is doing what he does best; mocking it:


Photoshop this famous trademarked logo:

Here’s my dashed-off MS-Paint effort:

Think you can do better?  (In point of fact, only Ken Avidor could possibly do worse)

Get over to KAR, oil up your copy of Photoshop, and get cracking.

UPDATE:  I’m informed that one doesn’t actually “oil up” ones’ copy of Photoshop.

I regret the error.  After years of having Ken “Crayola Boy” Avidor as my main example of Photoshop prowess, I naturally assumed the tool was normally used while slathered with some sort of lubricant.  Like lard.

It’s a reason, but it’s no excuse.

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