Overwhelmingly Biased

Count the references to the crowd at the Beck/Palin rally being “overwhelmingly white“.  Why, it’s almost as if there’s a back-channel discussion group for the liberal/mainstream media to coordinate chanting points and narrative peaks or something.

Although slipups happen.  Heads will no doubt roll.

How desperate was the leftymedia to find some evidence – any evidence at all – of “racism” in the crowd?  NPR’s correspondent had to go back to the Obamacare rallies last March, and refer to Rep. Lewis’ charges of racism (albeit she didn’t bother to mention that these accusations have been debunked).

23 thoughts on “Overwhelmingly Biased

  1. If the reporters are white, ask them what neighborhoods they live in. If they don’t live in a black neighborhood, ask then why not? Are they afraid of blacks? If the reporter is black, ask them “Have you abandoned your own people”?

    It’s great fun to push this rhetoric back on them and watch their reaction.

  2. This race card BS is getting so old and worn. It really is tiresome, but I suppose that is the objective. Wear you down with the same old BS year after year until you finally give up. In my 50 odd years the most racist people I have observed have very dark skin. What does that say?

  3. I just think it’s nice to finally see the race card has played itself out. Granted, the media still tries desperately to play it, but no one with half a functioning brain takes it seriously any more.

    Unfortunately, Dog Gone only has 1/5 of a functioning brain, so she probably thinks I’m racist.

  4. Kermit, I’m troubled by your generality that people with very dark skin are as a group more racist than other people. That kind of generalizing is at worst racist, under the guise of reverse racism, and at best, it suggests a failure to appreciate racism expressed by other people who don’t have dark skins – an unfortunate blind spot in recognizing racism. (I don’t know you, but from what I have seen here, I’m assuming the latter.)

    Yossarian, your comment is an ad hominem attack, and not warranted by facts, just something nasty in response to my disagreeing with you. You disappoint me; I would have hoped for something better. Other than that, I don’t actually think much about you at all, in any way.

    However much you might all wish that your tea party was more diverse, this group of 20 photos from the UPI slideshow suggests otherwise. It appears to be a fair cross section of attendance that looks on the surfact to be older and white. I don’t beleive pointing out this apparent fact is ‘playing the race card’; rather it appears to be a legitimate observation about demographics. It seems to me to be the tea partiers and the beckophiles who want to make it something else that it is not. Which pretty much goes with Beck’s revisionist history on the subject of social and economic justice in connection with MLK. The man is profoundly uneducated in his grasp of history.


  5. If I were a minority race, I’d object to the leftist MSM using the color of my skin to suggest I didn’t attend a rally in support of American success and freedom.

    Just because I’m brown, or black, or red, of yellow doesn’t mean I don’t love America; I had tickets to the Vikings game!

    Why do leftists love racism?

  6. However much you might all wish that your tea party was more diverse, this group of 20 photos from the UPI slideshow suggests otherwise.

    On the one hand, you’re ignoring the pervasive selection bias displayed by both AP and UPI, especially in re this event. A few of us compared and contrasted the photographic coverage from the wires and from, say, Pajamas Media over the weekend; the reflecting seemed to get a disproportionate amount of space in the wires’ coverage; PJM actually shot the extent of the crowd. Discount the wires’ selection bias at your own peril.

    And, like any good conservative, I will point out that you’re applying an extremely parochial standard, here. No, most of us do not “wish the Tea Party were more diverse”; we are a movement of people who are smart enough to see that our government has metastasized into an economically opporessive force. People of all races who are smart enough to get that are welcome; we are, otherwise (and media slanders aside) pretty much color-blind.

    It seems to me to be the tea partiers and the beckophiles who want to make it something else that it is not.

    Well, no. Did you actually read the article to which I linked? The long, long, long list of media organizations who, mirabile dictu, described the event as “overwhelmingly white?”

    Which pretty much goes with Beck’s revisionist history on the subject of social and economic justice in connection with MLK.

    It has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with that.

    The man is profoundly uneducated in his grasp of history.

    Beck is wrong about a lot of things. But in the land of the blind – DC, and pretty much anyplace infested with liberals – the one-eyed man is king.

  7. DG

    Give me a break! UPI most likely posted the pictures that illustrate their story. The last three may could have been photoshopped.

    We learned how they use selective photos last year when they showed the black AZ tea party attendee from the waist down, you know, just to show the gun that he had a permit to carry. They conveniently failed to mention or show that he was a black man, a BLATANT racist act.

    And, let’s not mention how the news outlets, especially the commies at WCCO, exploit their black or other minority reporters by sending them to cover stories, like another gang shooting. Racist? Absolutely! Worse, it shows me that the dispatcher probably thinks, if lead is going to fly, better a minority gets shot than a white. Such is the covert racism of you left wingnuts!

    what they wanted and a couple of these

  8. “Yossarian… You disappoint me; I would have hoped for something better. Other than that, I don’t actually think much about you at all, in any way.”

    Yah, Ryan, you disappoint me too. And to show you I don’t spend any time thinking about you, I’ll respond to every. single. one. of your comments. Also you’re a big fat poop head and I’m rubber and you’re glue.

    Related: Picture of DG being disappointed in Ryan :


  9. The media is trying to get people to view the tea party as a group of people identified primarily by its racial make up.
    NPR’s audience is overwhelmingly white, but you won’t ever hear UPS, AP, etc, refer to NPR’s “overwhelmingly white” audience. Hardball’s Chris Matthews chooses to live in an overwhelmingly white Maryland suburb, but you will never read that in the papers.
    It’s called “framing the narrative”, and the best way to fight it is to recognize it when you see it.

  10. Please, Dog I didn’t say ” people with very dark skin are as a group more racist than other people”. I said “some of the mose racist people I have observed have very dark skin”. You can distinguish between these concepts, can’t you?

  11. Hey Guys, lefty liberal Democrat Garrison Keillor will be at the state fair this week. Anyone want to do a skin color count of the people attending his little show?

  12. I was at the fair last year & saw both Franken & Keillor giving sit-down interviews on the MPR stage. The audience was overwhelmingly white, as was most of the state fair crowd.
    Racism every where you look.

  13. The gatekeepers are getting clumsier at their attempts to frame a narrative.
    Here’s a Washington Post article in the Newsweek-religious section: http://newsweek.washingtonpost.com/onfaith/undergod/2010/08/what_is_glenn_beck.html
    The headline is Beck’s Christian credentials scrutinized. Note the passive voice. Who is doing the scrutinizing? The 2nd paragraph lays it out:

    That’s a question that that many are asking today in the wake of Beck’s continued assault on the president’s religious beliefs.

    “That many are asking today” is a link — to the Google query “are Mormons Christian?”.
    The first hit is the article itself. The point of the query is, I suppose, to show that Mormons are in no position to question the religious orthodoxy of anyone else, but the attempt is pitifully inadequate. The first page of hits to the query have almost nothing to do with theology or the state of Mormon belief vs orthodox Christian belief.
    So what you have is a “journalist” (Elizabeth Tenety) at a mainstream media outlet who has decided that
    Beck has no right to question the sincerity of Obama’s religious beliefs. She would like to write an article about it but she really can’t. It’s not news, it’s opinion. So she “gins up” a fake controversy within the Christian community and get the editor to put it in the Washington Post.

  14. Contrast and compare…
    “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.

    “I don’t know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican.” – Senator Harry Reid (D), Nevada

    Kermit – I’m troubled by your generality too. Everyone knows the most bigoted people are Liberals.
    Chuck – What’s the over/under on the Keillor demographic? I’m guessing higher % white than than the audience of the movie “Eat Love Pray” but lesser % white than the daily offering of the cable “news” network “MSDNC”.

  15. Here is a link to whqr’s self-touted demographic info:http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:SpJMBZf_WsMJ:www.whqr.org/media/pdf/media%2520kit.pdf+prairie+home+company+audience+demographics&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
    WAMU, ditto:
    All the big CPB shows have audiences that are bourgeois. They skew older, whiter, wealthier and better educated than average, just like the tea partiers.

  16. You disappoint me; I would have hoped for something better. Other than that, I don’t actually think much about you at all, in any way.

    Gosh, the amount of sleep I’m going to miss out on tonight because of this will no doubt be in the singles of seconds.

    your comment is an ad hominem attack

    *patting DG on her tiny little head* That’s good, DG. I’m glad you can recognize ad hominem attacks. OF course, that will in no way stop me from using them against self-important, obsessive, obtuse and moronic people like yourself.

    I gave up serious Internet-based debate sometime in 2005, almost entirely because I couldn’t stand the tedium of engaging with douchenozzles like yourself. Mitch has a much higher threshold for that kind of thing, and more power to him on that score.

    In conclusion, you’re a racist.


  17. DG, you are aware that MLK’s NIECE spoke at this rally right? Why are liberals so obsessed with race? You know commenting about how people are racist and such is much more a comment on your own worldview than others aka Berg’s 7th.

  18. Ad-hominem vs. non-ad-hominem attacks:
    This is not an ad-hominem attack:
    Scott Johnson is not attacking Dayton’s stand on abortion or taxes by arguing that those positions are incorrect because he is a drunk and a liar. He is simply accusing Dayton of being a drunk and a liar.

    This is very different than saying that Emmer’s pro-life and anti-gay marriage positions are due to his Catholicism.

  19. Seflores, all black people are required to be liberal. It’s in the Black Folk Bylaws. If your black and not liberal, you are a raqce traitor. Just ask Clarence Thomas. Or Walter Williams. Or Thomas Sowell. Or…

  20. He’s right. He’s right. It’s a bylaw.
    – It’s a bylaw.

    – What’s a bylaw? – White Goodman – “Dodgeball”.

    I think I know what you are going for Kermit, but let’s let the Liberals at MsDNC, the NYTimes editorial page and elsewhere in the MSM define how people of color are supposed to think. I mean there is nothing quite like a Liberal Person of Pallor calling a black Conservative an “Uncle Tom”. Why not just says what Dr. Laura said, bigot?

  21. Ben;

    Not only is MLK’s niece a staunch Republican, her dad, her uncle Martin and the rest of their families were, too!

    The lefty closet racists, including the black nanny staters, are quick to invoke his name to support their lies, but it is really obvious how historically ignorant they are.

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