To: The DFL


The politicians say “we” can’t afford a tax cut.  Maybe we can’t afford the politicians.  ~Steve Forbes

There’s a reason I supported him in 2000…

19 thoughts on “To: The DFL

  1. I imagine you supported – as in voted – for Bush as well.

    Those tax cuts went a long way towards creating the current deficit, along with the unnecessary Iraq war – that took a surplus down to a major deficit.

    And hasn’t produced any of the benefits that were claimed for them.

    Meanwhile the middle class has the best tax situation they’ve had since the 50s.

  2. Those tax cuts went a long way towards creating the current deficit


    The recession – and the attendant drop in revenue – caused the deficit. Excessive spending – unconscionable under Bush, catastrophic under Obama – means only a tiny shortfall is needed to cause deficits.

    And hasn’t produced any of the benefits that were claimed for them.

    Wrong again.

    I can quote you legions of economists who can show it – but as far as I’m concered, Bush’s tax cuts put money in my pocket when I needed it. Obama’s tax hikes will take it out when I need it more.

    Meanwhile the middle class has the best tax situation they’ve had since the 50s.

    Further proof, DG, that you are reciting talking points.

    And after January 1, it will be a hollow joke indeed for the middle class.

  3. I would like to add to Mitch’s point, DG.

    You really need to educate yourself on what the elimination of these cuts will mean. In fact, the least of the crap that will hit the fan is that taxes will rise in EVERY tax bracket. Please get a clue, quit believing everything the Oblahblah propaganda machine spews out and learn what this means. It’s not that hard. I think that you will find that, just like Obamacare, everything that the Dims are attempting to sell, will not hold up under close scrutiny.

    While you’re at it, you also may want to read the Cap & Tax bill (H.R. 2454) to learn what it will do to further screw up the economy and hurt “the middle class.” Pay particular attention to what will happen to home owners if they want to sell their home.

  4. DG

    After Dec 31 2010:

    the lowest personal tax rate (10%: Not over $8,375 single, $16,750 joint ) increases by 50% to 15% – how does that help the middle class? Hell you’re always telling us you’re a smart cookie, how does this help the working poor? Be detailed in your answer.

    the second lowest personal tax rate (25%: not over $34,000 single, $68,000 joint) increases to 28% – how does this benefit the middle class? again extra points for details.

    the third lowest rate (28%: not over 82,400 single, $137,300 joint) rises to 31% this just has to be great for the middle class, right?

    not to mention capital gains rises to 20% from 15% this is great for every retired person living on a limited income or if they are looking to their dividends to help pay the cost of ObamaCare they will have to pay 39.6% instead of 15% –

    talk about robbing from the poor DG you are a true Democrat!

  5. Ah yes, “The Iraq war caused the deficit!” meme of the left.

    Facts anyone?

    The entire cost of the Iraq war has been less than Obama’s stimulus that economists agree did nothing.

    The Iraq war is ending. Obama’s spending spree isn’t; he’s just getting started with ObamaCare, which will be bankrupting the country shortly.

    Who’s the wastrel, dude?

  6. Let’s play Alliance for a Better Minnesota with Dog’s comment. She said
    Those tax cuts went a long way towards creating the current deficit, along with the unnecessary Iraq war
    So from this we can conclude that the Bush tax cuts caused the Iraq war. Isn’t distortion fun?

  7. Dog,
    Are you going to discuss any of this… with anyone here? Get Miss Peeve’s permission to come back for another comment, please.

  8. kel, I think those slaps of reality have knocked our little moonbat moron right out the door.

    You have to be a bit more circumspect in the doling out of facts to these poor mutts…it’s not just stupidity that makes them the way they are (although that is a key factor), there’s real psycological “issues” at work.

  9. Badda

    DG won’t be back. Whenever she gets caught in an indefensible assertion (to use propaganda speak, known as a lie to the rest of us ) she scarpers and waits for people to forget because she wrongly assumes everyone has the same short attention span that her fellow Democrats have.

  10. Kel, I think that DG’s problem is a lack of critical thinking. That’s what you get when your opinion makers are a sportscaster (Olberman) and a comedian (Jon Stewart).
    In fact Dog Gone thought that a comedian with no political experience was best able to represent her views in the US senate.

  11. Speaking of the “Iraq war caused the recession” meme, a FB friend of mine posted a link to this article:

    Excerpts: Bush’s Iraq war (2003-2008 – $554B) cost less than Obama’s first stimulus ($572B). The final cost of the Stimulus by 2019 ($814B) will be more than $100B more than the total cost to date of the Iraq war ($709B)

    All figures provided by and–receipts_outlays_and_debt.html – in other words, not some right-wingnut propagandist thinktank

  12. In fact Dog Gone thought that a comedian with no politicalpractical experience was best able to represent her views in the US senate.


  13. Terry, isn’t a comedian with no political experience the perfect choice to represent an ignorant, kool-aid sodden moonbat in the US senate?

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