I Want To Ride My Bicycle – End of Month 2

I’m closing in on two months of biking to work nearly every morning.

It’s having some effect on me:

  • A couple of people who never pay me compliments said it looks like I’ve lost some weight.
  • Now that my morning kicks off with a death-defying dice with some of Minnesota’s worst drivers, I don’t need as much coffee as I used to.
  • A couple of my favorite work shirts – which were on the brink of “tight” last May – aren’t.
  • While my legs aren’t the tree-trunk-like instruments of tempered death that they were 20-25 years ago, when I was biking 20-30 miles a day every day, they’re coming right along.

But the best part of all…

There’s one big hill I have to surmount on the way home every night.

Day One:  I made it about a third of the way up, and then wound up walking my bike the rest of the way up, huffing and puffing.

Week Two:  I made it to the top – weaving back and forth (to lower the slope) in low gear – and sat at the stoplight at the top, huffing and puffing and drinking water, for a minute or two before I got started again.

Two Weeks Ago: Made it to the top in low gear, but in a fairly straight line – and sat at the stoplight at the top for a moment to catch my breath and water up before I got on the road again.

Yesterday:  Got to the top, rolled through the green light and continued on my way, not especially winded.

It’s going to stink when school starts again.

6 thoughts on “I Want To Ride My Bicycle – End of Month 2

  1. Alright alright alright. I will buy a can a fix a flat on the way home and start riding my bike again. I was up to 17 miles a day a couple of years ago and felt great. Been slacking way off since I moved back to Wichita. But if all the other kids are going it……….I guess it’s time to start up again.

  2. Did you have to buy the biking shorts and yellow shirt? The football looking helmet? The whole get up?

  3. Never, ever will buy the shorts and yellow shirt. Today I wore a “Patriot” T and a pair of cutoff sweats.

    But after three decades of biking without a helmet, I did finally buy one. I figured my reactions probably aren’t what they used to be, and $15 for a helmet beats $200,000 for a serious head injury.

  4. Never, ever will buy the shorts and yellow shirt

    My hero! There’s nothing sillier than Joe Citizen biking around wearing those biking shirts with sponor logos.

    “We’re Penzoil, and we sponsor Bob here as he bikes around the lake.”

  5. I kinda know how you feel-I was proud of myself when I biked Itasca and didn’t walk it up the “big hill” even once…..finally (took me 3 yrs and a better bike). Last fall we biked around the lake (16 miles) and stopped in at the Lodge for the best malts ANYWHERE (Schwan’s ice cream-served in those metal containers-one is enough for 4 people…). That ride, with deep blue sky above and red & orange leaves all around, was pure heaven.

    And…NO! to spandex…and, actually I say no to a helmet as well. If you’re riding in a rural area (or a bike trail for cripe’s sakes) it’s just seems dumb (maybe it ISN’T dumb, but it looks that way). And how come the absolute skinniest, most concave-chested, insect-looking people wear the whole get-up?! If that’s “health”, I want no part of it!

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