
I sold an old car of mine to a guy once upon a time.

I was told that the new owner had used the car to drive to Storm Lake, Iowa.

I hate Storm Lake, Iowa.  [1]   So I called him and told him that if he didn’t cease and desist driving to that hateful town, I’d lawyer up and put him in a world of hurt.

He stopped.


Well, of course not.  Once I sold the car, it was his.

I always thought that if you paid the royalties for a song – i.e, bought it – it was pretty much yours to use for the purpose for which it was purchased (i.e. playing).   And if a radio station pays the licensing fee for a song (which stations do in bulk), the song was pretty much theirs to use as well – which usually means “play on the air”, even as part of a parody.   That’s why Rush Limbaugh, the archconservative, can use “My City Was Gone”, written by ultraliberal Chrissy Hynde, for a theme song.

And if you’re a politician, that means paying the licensing fees for a public performance.   Artists are supposed to get a royalty for the performance of their music at big public appearance.   And in exchange for that, someone gets to play the damn song.

So I’ve been surprised to hear all the left leaning artists who’ve been throwing tantrums over Republicans using their music at rallies:

If stereotypes held true, you would think that the Republicans would be the ones telling folks to turn that blasted music down. But this year — and indeed in many past election cycles — it’s the GOP that has been attracting cease-and-desist letters for pilfering music against the artists’ wishes. So let’s take a look at some of the more notable GOP music fails from this cycle, and cycles past.

To be fair, they’re not so much “GOP music fails” as “spoiled artist tantrums”; Heart having a cow over Sarah Paljn using “Barracuda”,  John Mellencamp throwing a hissy over Reagan using “Pink Houses”, and on and on.

In completely unrelated news, I think I’ll use this as a personal theme song:

[1] – Not really.  I just needed something to hate for the moment.

26 thoughts on “Snit

  1. What’s not clear from the linked article is if the Dems pay royalties to the artists whose songs they use. I can understand the anger at not receiving payment, as long as the gun points at the other side of the aisle. If Springsteen, for example, says to Obama, you can use my music for free, that ought to count as a campaign donation, and be subject to the usual limits on spending by an individual. No feebies if you want the GOP to pay royalties.

  2. I don’t think the article is necessarily about left wing artists having temper tantrums, so much as them defending their property rights – albeit being little titty babies about it (left wingers/little titty babies-PTR). If a candidate is appropriating property without paying, regardless of party, that is wrong. If an artist denies the rights based on ideology, I suppose that is their right. But it would be curious if an African American Republican candidate like Allen West or Princella Smith or 30 other African American Republican candidates for Congess this year wanted to use a song and were denied; will Rachel Maddow compare John Mellencamp or Bruce Springsteen to some goober sheriff not allowing the ‘coloreds’ to sit at their white only lunch counter?

  3. The only group that seems to have not gotten into a snit has been Rush… apparently, they’ve said nothing about Rand Paul using their music and merely had their lawyer give a simple comment about copyright.

    Still, I’ve always understood the issue the way Mitch mentions above… but at least Neil, Alex, and Geddy haven’t stood up publicly and said they are hurt and insulted (or whatever that jackass Jackson Browne had said years ago) by the association with their music and a politician.

    Maybe it is because Neil is more of a libertarian.

  4. What happened in Storm Lake, Iowa? Is it the smell from the turkey processing plant or the uni girls?

  5. Peart has been an Ayn Rand fan for about 30-40 years now. I’m not a huuuuge Rush fan, but if I recall correctly 2112 was a riff on Rand. (Flash and Fingers can correct me on that).

  6. “(Flash and Fingers can correct me on that).”

    Yes, also see Anthem on Fly by Night

    Aug 27th, ROW 6 *smile*


  7. Night Writer Says:

    June 9th, 2010 at 9:24 am
    “Careful, Mitch. There’s trouble busting in from out of state.”


  8. flash, don’t forget Red Barchetta, Trees, etc. It’s not just the early stuff that shows a strong Randian streak.

    Rush is pretty libertarian, as is Rand Paul, so them doing anything other than asking for payment or defending their copyright would be relatively surprising.

  9. Maybe it is because Neil is more of a libertarian.

    Or maybe his lawyer informed him that he wasn’t the copyright owner of “Tom Sawyer” and wouldn’t be able to prevail in a case of copyright infringement.

  10. What if you did not sell your car, but instead licensed its use with a condition that it never be driven to Storm Lake?

  11. LFoot,

    Pre-show party in the Garage near Hamline U to include a screening of “Beyond the Lighted Stage” Shoot me an EMail if you are interested so I can send you details.


  12. What’s not clear from the linked article is if the Dems pay royalties to the artists whose songs they use. I can understand the anger at not receiving payment, as long as the gun points at the other side of the aisle. If Springsteen, for example, says to Obama, you can use my music for free, that ought to count as a campaign donation, and be subject to the usual limits on spending by an individual. No feebies if you want the GOP to pay royalties.

    Good point, it does seem like a political contribution to me although I think we’d need to make sure that whatever rules were crafted to count it as an in-kind political contribution were consistent with the First Amendment (something that unfortunately doesn’t seem to trouble most supporters of previous attempts at “campaign finance reform”).

  13. Peart’s exhibited his fondness for Ayn Rand since he joined Rush and started writing lyrics.

    Nerdbert, you should have seen the story on Yahoo. It seemed like there was a big problem brewing, but when you read the actual story and the comment from the lawyer, it became much less of a BANG story than a meh story.

    As I recall, the story even said that Paul Rand was in *more* trouble.

    By the sound of the lawyer’s comments, I suspect neither Neil, Alex, nor Geddy knew about it directly.


  14. Not to derail this thread, but I read an online interview of Neill Peart that pretty much cemented my opinion of him as probably the best drummer in the world. You know music meter: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8, etc. He said “I taught myself to play 21/32. That one took a while.”


  15. I’ve been wanting Sarah Palin to use “Sisters Are Doin’ It For Themselves” by The Eurythmics as a theme song. I believe Dave Stewart would have a cow if she did so. Not only does it rock, but it describes the current phenomenon of political disintermediation.

  16. My particular fantasy involves a Palin/Bachman ticket running on stage to Hole’s “Celebrity Skin”.

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